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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Early results from Florida showed a tight race between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney among an electorate worried about the economy and the direction the country is headed.

佛罗里达州的初步计票结果显示,现任总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)与共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)获得的选民支持不相上下。选民们对经济形势及美国的未来方向感到担忧。

Returns from some strongly Republican or Democratic states came in as expected. Mr. Romney won Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Georgia while Mr. Obama won Vermont, Illinois, Connecticut, Maine, the District of Columbia, Delaware, Rhode Island, Maryland and Massachusetts.


In Florida, one of the most contested states, the president was running barely ahead of Mr. Romney with nearly four million votes counted. Mr. Romney was leading strongly in Virginia, another hard-fought state, with several hundred thousand votes counted.


Polls were closed in many Eastern and Midwestern states as of 8 p.m. Eastern time, after a day that saw long lines at many polling places around the country. Waits in some places were reported at two hours or more.


Most voters rated the condition of the nation's economy as 'not so good' or 'poor,' and a slight majority said the country is 'seriously off on the wrong track,' according to an early wave of exit polls released Tuesday.


But the first glimpse of the 2012 electorate yielded conflicting messages, as many previous polls had, with a small majority saying that they have a favorable opinion of Mr. Obama. Fewer voters held favorable opinions of Mr. Romney, the exit polls found, and just more than half said the Republican's policies favored the rich.


Early exit surveys also revealed a divided electorate in the states that will decide the winner of this election. In Ohio, perhaps the biggest prize among the swing states, voters were nearly evenly split on the question of who would better handle the economy, and a majority said former president George W. Bush was more to blame than Mr. Obama for current economic problems.

初步选后民调还显示,在即将决定这次选举胜负的几个州,选民也是各有各的投票意向。俄亥俄州恐怕是摇摆州当中最值得争夺的一个,而在谁会更好地管理经济这个问题上,当地选民差不多是一半对一半。同时多数选民说,当前的经济问题应更多归咎于前总统布什(George W. Bush),而不是奥巴马。

In Florida, the two candidates had similar favorability ratings, but more voters said Mr. Romney was the better choice for handling the economy. In Virginia, just more than half of voters had positive feelings about the Obama administration, but Mr. Romney still had the edge on the question of handling the economy.


Messrs. Romney and Obama entered Election Day locked in a near-dead heat, with both candidates expressing confidence that their supporters would deliver a win. Ultimately, voters in a handful of battleground states will have the final say in what has been the most expensive presidential contest in history. Polls suggest that decision day could stretch into a long night.



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