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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Since the financial crisis, banks have talked a lot about the need to restore trust and prove their social usefulness. But the protestations of reform have often seemed pro-forma, concealing a real desire to return as swiftly as possible to pre-crunch business as usual.


While acknowledging the need for stronger regulation, bosses have bridled at changing the way they manage institutions. They have persisted in chasing over-optimistic returns and paying sky-high salaries, arguing that to do otherwise would condemn their banks to also-ran status. The hard-sell investment banking culture has continued to predominate.


As 2012 has gone on, however, cracks have appeared in this position. These are partly the product of costly scandals that have tumbled out, which have in turn underlined the reputational and financial costs of the sales culture.


The revelation over the summer that banks had manipulated the Libor interest rate so outraged shareholders that in one case – that of Barclays – they ejected the entire top management team (which was dominated by investment bankers). Meanwhile, the spiralling cost of mis-selling scandals in the UK – for payment protection insurance and interest rate derivatives – has emphasised the threat posed to still-weak balance sheets by aggressive transaction-based banking.


But it is not only scandals that have changed the mood. Tightening regulation has started to unpick elements of the pre-crunch model. By forcing investment banks to run with less leverage and driving up the marginal cost of funding, the new rules are progressively driving some banks out of trading. Last week, UBS of Switzerland acknowledged the writing on the wall and announced plans to shut down parts of its investment bank, shedding 10,000 jobs.


These changes are welcome. While lucrative for practitioners, the pre-crunch banking model brought precious few social benefits. Little if any value was created for investors. It is telling that news of UBS’s withdrawal precipitated a strong rally in its shares.


But if it is welcome that banks are pulling back from some “me too trading activities, this will not in itself end the hard-driving short term culture that has come to characterise banking institutions. More still needs to be done if the system is to be run in the interests of shareholders, customers and the economy rather than bankers themselves.


Managements must be more realistic about the returns that banks can achieve, and more responsive to efforts to cut gearing and raise capital over time. Bonuses and pay should be more modest. The service culture must be restored in high street banking. These are not things that can be fixed by a few rule-tweaks, or by bolstering the capital that banks are required to hold. They require a real change of heart and expectation. If this cannot be achieved by the current leadership, a new generation will have to be sent for. For until there is real cultural change, the banker bashing will not end.



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