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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

As overnight temperatures fell to the 40s, power crews in more than a dozen states navigated a tangle of fallen trees, downed power lines and dangerous floodwaters in the painstaking, house-by-house work of reconnecting millions of customers left in the dark by Sandy.


Power was restored by late Thursday to about half of 10 million households and businesses that lost electricity during the storm, according to the Edison Electric Institute, a trade group that represents investor-owned utilities. But millions more remained cut off from power needed to operate furnaces, heaters, refrigerators and lights.

据行业组织爱迪生电气协会(Edison Electric Institute)说,周四晚间,在风暴中失去电力供应的1,000万家庭和企业中,已经有大约一半恢复供电。爱迪生电气协会代表的是由投资者拥有的公用设施。但是仍有数百万人没有恢复供电,他们无法使用炉子、暖气、冰箱和电灯。

'It's freezing like an ice box,' said Lydia Crespo, who was using a gas stove to heat her home in Staten Island, N.Y., still without power. 'No hot water, no light. All you smell is the gas, the oil, the mold.'

克雷斯波(Lydia Crespo)说,家里冷得像个冰窖。她正在位于纽约斯坦顿岛(Staten Island)的家中用一个煤气炉取暖,她家仍然断电。她说,没有热水,没有照明,只能闻到煤气、汽油和发霉的味道。

The death toll attributed to Sandy reached 90, authorities said Thursday. Transit bottlenecks began to ease in New York City with the reopening of some subways, but in New Jersey and elsewhere lines stretched long from gas stations lucky enough to have both electricity and gasoline. Amtrak said it would resume southbound train service from Pennsylvania Station on Thursday evening, and limited service to Boston on Friday. But NJTransit trains remained largely out of service.


U.S. Air Force cargo planes were flying utility crews and 636 tons of equipment, including electric company bucket trucks, to speed power restoration.


Long-standing mutual-aid pacts, activated days before Sandy hit, drew an emergency team of more than 64,000 workers from 82 utility companies across the U.S., including a crew from San Diego Gas & Electric that arrived Thursday.

根据桑迪来袭几天之前启动的长期互助协议,来自全美82家公用事业公司的超过6.4万工人组成了紧急队伍,其中包括周四抵达的来自圣迭戈煤气电力公司(San Diego Gas & Electric)的一组工作人员。

'It's epic,' said Brian Wolff, senior vice president of Edison Electric. 'I think it's the biggest mobilization we've seen.'

爱迪生电气协会的高级副总裁沃尔夫(Brian Wolff)说,这是一次惊人之举,我想这是我们见过的最大规模的动员。

Their task is Herculean: 1.7 million customers were without electricity in New Jersey; 1.5 million in New York; 500,000 in Pennsylvania; 348,000 in Connecticut; 139,000 in West Virginia; 40,000 in Maryland; and 21,000 in Rhode Island.


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said neighborhoods served by overhead lines may not be repaired until the end of next week. 'We have volunteer crews from across the country,' Mr. Bloomberg said. 'But it's just an enormous job, and you have to go up in a bucket and fix each one as you get to it.'

纽约市长布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)说,依靠架空线供电的社区可能得等到下周末才能修复供电。布隆伯格说,我们拥有来自全国的志愿者队伍,但这是一个工作量巨大的工作,工人们需要站在起重机车上在高空的电线杆上一个一个修理。

Utility crews were slowed by downed trees blocking roads and homes with standing water that made them too dangerous to reconnect to the grid.


'We've got to go block by block, house by house,' said Ralph Izzo, chairman of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., a New Jersey utility.

新泽西州的公共服务企业集团(Public Service Enterprise Group Inc.)董事长伊佐(Ralph Izzo)说,我们得一个街区接着一个街区挨家挨户地工作。

Workers at the utility, which serves a wide swath of the state, used toothbrushes to scrub the mud from flooded equipment at switching stations, he said, trying to get them working for 780,000 customers without power. Workers used rags to dry the gear by hand.



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