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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Complaints of political gridlock and vested interests are not unusual, but it is surprising when it is Washington insiders levelling such criticism at China.


Ahead of the US election, Washington is worried about whether politicians can reach a budget deal after November 6 to avoid the “fiscal cliff. But China watchers in the US fear Beijing is on the verge of a similar moment of truth as the Chinese Communist party prepares to unveil its next generation of leaders in two weeks’ time.


The pending leadership change has crystallised a shift in US views of China, from the steamroller that surged out of the 2010 financial crisis to the more familiar story of a government unable to make tough decisions in the face of powerful interest groups.


“Both China and the US are now at a critical turning point, where past approaches require a major change or they will face real economic dangers, says Kenneth Lieberthal, a former White House official now at the Brookings Institution. “In the US it is our fiscal situation; in China it is the need for major economic restructuring.

“中国和美国现在都处于一个关键的转折点,需要对以往的方式进行重大改革,否则它们将面临真切的经济危险,白宫前官员、现在是布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)高级研究员的李侃如(Kenneth Lieberthal)表示。“在美国,关键在于我们的财政形势;在中国,关键在于需要进行重大经济结构调整。

While China’s economy has recorded near double-digit growth for a decade, the emerging US view of President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao is of leaders who have fumbled efforts to introduce economic and political reform.


Beijing has long talked of the need to shift China’s economic model from investment and exports towards consumption and services. Politicians including Mr Wen have also talked about the need for a more open political system.


While there have always been sceptics in the US about the Chinese leaders’ ability to push through such changes, that kind of pessimism about the prospects for reform in China has become widespread over the past year.


During previous transitions, observers paid much attention to the biographies and personalities of the new Chinese leaders. This time, however, there is much more focus on whether the Chinese political system has become too clogged by special interests to tackle difficult problems.


“The issue is not whether the new leaders introduce reforms, it is whether they can implement those reforms, says Stapleton Roy, a former ambassador to China. He says the success of state-owned companies over the past decade has created a “Frankenstein’s monster that the party cannot control easily. “Their monopoly position has allowed them to acquire vast monetary assets that they can use to back their own agenda, he adds. “It sounds somewhat similar to our situation in the US.

“问题并不在于新一代领导人会否出台改革,而是在于他们能否实施这些改革,美国前驻华大使芮效俭(Stapleton Roy)表示。他表示,国有企业在过去10年期间取得的成功,已经制造出一个“弗兰肯斯坦的怪物,连党都不容易掌控。“它们的垄断地位让它们获得巨大财力,它们用这些资源来推进自己的议程,芮效俭补充说。“这听上去跟我们在美国面对的局面有点相似。

David Shambaugh, a China specialist at George Washington University, says that over the past three years there has been a “period of retrogression, where the system cannot seem to take the initiative.

乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)中国问题专家沈大伟(David Shambaugh)表示,过去3年里,中国出现了一段“倒退期,体制似乎无法采取主动。

He questions whether the new leaders will be able to introduce changes in the face of opposition from state-owned companies, the People’s Liberation Army, local officials and the government bureaucracy.


“The system is becoming fragile, sclerotic, atrophying, he says. “It is showing some the classic signs of dynastic decline.


Jon Huntsman, US ambassador to China in 2010-11, spent time with some of the new generation of Chinese leaders. He describes Xi Jinping, the man expected to become president, as “comfortable in his own skin, “confident and “engaging.

2010年至2011年期间担任美国驻华大使的洪博培(Jon Huntsman)与中国新一代领导人中的一部分人有过一些来往。他形容预期将出任国家主席的习近平“气定神闲、“自信和“富有魅力。

This strikes a contrast with Mr Hu, with whom US officials have sometimes had a distant, even frosty, relationship.


“He is a pragmatist who knows very well how to work the system, the PLA, the princelings and the party, says Mr Huntsman.


But the Chinese-speaking former Republican presidential hopeful believes that within two to three years, Mr Xi will face pressure from a fast-changing society to set out a political reform agenda. “If people do not see a game plan being laid out, then the temperature is really going to rise sharply, he says.


After three years in which Beijing’s foreign policy has often been more assertive than in the past, observers are also looking for clues as to whether the new leadership will bring a different view of how China should deal with the rest of the world.



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