Commencement speeches are inspiring. They're filled with goosebump inducing anecdotes, brilliant metaphors and words of wisdom and advice that make you want to run out the door and chase your dreams down the block.
As empowering as these messages are, the truth is that we are still the most under-employed generation. That's not quite the picture of a brilliant future graduation speeches paint.
无论这些演讲词有多么励志,事实上,我们仍生活在就业率创新低的年代, 现实的境况与精彩的毕业演说为我们描绘的图景并不符合。
The reality is things are tough, and while it's important to remain optimistic, it's also crucial to be realistic. Grads, as you head into the real world and away from those hallowed halls, here's 12 biggest lies we're told in college graduation speeches.
1. "This diploma opens up new possibilities."——Barack Obama
2. "Follow your passion."——Ellen DeGeneres
3."The world is waiting for you to hammer it into shape."——Bono
4. "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."——Steve Jobs
5. "You will never have more energy or enthusiasm, hair, or brain cells than you have today."——Tom and Ray Magliozzi
6. "The most unrealistic person in the world is the cynic, not the dreamer."
7."Tomorrow, in a very real sense, your life, the life you author from scratch on your own, begins."——Jeff Bezos
8. "Think about this: Think about NOT waiting your turn."
9. "The person you are is like nobody else on the planet."——Toni Morrison
“作为一个人,你与地球上任何其他的人都不同。” ——托尼·莫里森(诺贝尔文学奖获得者)
10. "Things are changing now and it's in your generation that we're seeing this."
11. "Imagine immensities, don't compromise and don't waste time."——Debbie Millman
12. "On a day like today, you might feel exhilarated like you've just been shot out of a cannon at the circus and even invincible. Don't ever forget that incredible feeling."——Larry Page
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