国际英语资讯:German chancellor still sees chance for Brexit deal-查字典英语网
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国际英语资讯:German chancellor still sees chance for Brexit deal

发布时间:2019-09-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BERLIN, Sept. 11 -- Brexit and its implications for Europe were central topics in German Chancellor Angela Merkel's speech during the general debate in the Bundestag (federal parliament) in Berlin on Wednesday.

"I remain firmly convinced that we have every chance of getting it in order," Merkel said about Brexit, adding that her government would be committed to ensuring that "this is possible until the last day".

However, Merkel stressed that Germany would be "prepared for a disorderly withdrawal" of Britain from the European Union (EU).

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had announced that he would not seek an extension of the Brexit deadline beyond Oct. 31, even if no agreement would be reached between Britain and the EU by then.

According to calculations from the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), a no-deal Brexit could reduce economic growth in Britain by 1.1 percentage points, by 0.2 percentage point across the eurozone and by 0.4 percentage point in Germany in the coming year.

Merkel reminded German parliamentarians that after Brexit, Germany would have an "economic competitor on our own doorstep. Even if we want to maintain close economic, foreign and security policy cooperation. Even if we want to be friends".


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