In some parts of the City of London, a sense of disbelief greeted the news last year that Hewlett-Packardhad agreed to pay $11bn for Autonomy, a British software company that had traded for half that value barely six months before.
在伦敦金融城(City of London),有一些人曾对去年的一条消息心存疑惑。当时,美国公司惠普(Hewlett-Packard)同意支付110亿美元收购英国软件公司Autonomy,而在消息公布的6个月前,该英国公司的市值仅为这一收购价的一半。
“This deal defies logic, wrote Paul Morland, analyst at Peel Hunt, a UK brokerage. “We believe HP shareholders should be worried.
“这笔交易不符合逻辑,英国证券经纪公司Peel Hunt的分析师保罗·莫兰德(Paul Morland)当时写道,“我们认为,惠普股东应对此感到担忧。
Quite how much they should have worried has now been revealed. HP yesterday wrote down the value of its software business by $8.8bn, with more than $5bn of that due to alleged “serious accounting improprieties, disclosure failures and outright misrepresentations at Autonomy before the company was acquired.
For an already struggling HP, the massive writedown has set the seal on what has become its deal from hell. The inflated price of the Autonomy acquisition had already helped to sink one HP chief executive and is now set to enmesh the company’s directors in another of the seemingly endless succession of boardroom crises that have shaken the company in recent years.
Topping the list of urgent questions they now face: how closely did they dig into a company whose accounting had already prompted several analysts to raise a red flag?
That it has taken six months for HP to uncover the extent of the alleged irregularities, which were first raised in late May by a former senior Autonomy executive, will only add to the discomfort.
Well before HP showed up on the scene, there was already a vocal minority of financial analysts in the City raising questions about the solidity of Autonomy’s business – at times drawing an unusually fierce reaction from the company. Daud Khan, a JPMorgan Cazenoveanalyst now working at Berenberg, was banned from analyst meetings for almost a year after he questioned the group’s accounting practices.
在惠普露面之前,伦敦金融城已有几位金融分析师对Autonomy业务的可靠性提出质疑,当时,这引来了该公司不同寻常的激烈反应。现在供职于Berenberg的原摩根大通嘉诚(JPMorgan Cazenove)分析师道德·科恩(Daud Khan)曾在近一年的时间内被禁止参加Autonomy的分析师会议,那之前他曾对该公司的会计操作提出质疑。
“You have 25 analysts covering your stock. Twenty-three are buyers and two are sellers. Why do you care unless they’re hitting a nerve, Mr Khan said yesterday.
Autonomy relented and allowed him back into meetings after pressure from investors.
Mr Morland at Peel Hunt, warned when HP bought the company that “margins have been contracting, profits are growing in single-digits and for some reason those profits aren’t converting into as much cash as they should.
在惠普收购Autonomy时,Peel Hunt的莫兰德曾警告称,“该公司的利润率一直在收缩,利润正以个位数增长,出于一些原因,这些利润没有像应该的那样转化为现金。
Despite being one of the few to allege that something was amiss in Autonomy’s accounting for years, Mr Morland still seemed surprised that HP had missed a potential $5bn hole. “If I could spot it from going through public accounts, then it’s shocking that someone in [HP’s] position could not, he said.
There were also warnings that, in hindsight, sound telling. Marc Geall, a former head of investor relations who had gone on to work as an analyst at Deutsche Bank, warned that Autonomy had outgrown its controls and systems, becoming a large company with the processes more commonly found in a start-up.
None of this was enough to dissuade HP’s then-CEO, Léo Apotheker, from placing a stunning bet on Autonomy, making it the centrepiece of his attempt to rebuild the tattered tech conglomerate around software. A shareholder revolt over the scale of the overpayment played a central part in his dismissal from the company weeks later.
还有一些警告在事后听来很能说明问题。Autonomy前投资关系主管、目前是德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)分析师的马克·格奥(Marc Geall)曾警告称, Autonomy抛弃了控制和制度,虽然是一家大公司,但其各种流程在初创企业中更为常见。
None of this, though, gave any warning of the three accounting charges levelled against Autonomy’s former management by HP yesterday.
这些警告都不足以阻止时任惠普首席执行官的李艾科(Léo Apotheker)在Autonomy身上押下令人震惊的重注。李艾科试图以软件业务为核心,让遭受重创的惠普得到重振,并把Autonomy列为这一计划的支柱部分。可是高价收购Autonomy引起了惠普股东们的抗议,成为他几周后离职的一个主要原因。
The first, and largest, relating to the way Autonomy derived a significant slice of its revenue – 10-15 per cent a quarter for the two years before the deal, according to HP – from sales of hardware.
Although the hardware was sold at a loss, some of the costs were booked as marketing expenses, the US company claimed, making it possible for Autonomy to record a gross profit on the sales.
The UK company also reported the sales as having come from software, adding to the impression that its business was derived exclusively from high-margin software, according to HP.
A second claim levelled by HP concerned sales made through intermediaries known as “value-added resellers. Some of these sales had been booked as revenue by Autonomy even though there had been no end-customers for the deals, it said – a practice known as “channel-stuffing.
In a third accusation, HP said Autonomy had treated some of its long-term contracts as immediate sales, booking revenue before it should have.
惠普提出的第二项指控与通过被称为“增值分销商(value-added resellers)的中间商完成的销售额有关。惠普表示,其中一些销售额被Autonomy记为收入,尽管这些交易没有任何终端客户。(这一做法被称为“渠道填鸭(channel-stuffing)。)
Mr Lynch denied the allegations.
For HP’s CEO Meg Whitman, meanwhile, the revelation that accounting irregularities had apparently spread so widely at Autonomy will raise some uncomfortable questions.
Autonomy前老板迈克·林奇(Mike Lynch)否认这些指控。
“Everybody knows about the ‘winner’s curse’ in tech, said George O’Connor, analyst at Panmure Gordon– a reference to the way bidders willing to pay the highest prices for companies that are considered to be trophy assets often come out as losers.
如今人们知道,会计违规行为在Autonomy内部看来是大量存在的,对惠普首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)来说,这将引发一些令人不安的问题。
“For that reason, companies tend to be extra paranoid in terms of going in and doing their due diligence.
Panmure Gordon分析师乔治·奥康诺(George O’Connor)表示:“在科技界,所有人都知道‘赢家的诅咒’(winner’s curse)。这指的是愿意为被视为“炫耀性资产(trophy asset)的公司支付最高收购价的竞标者通常会沦为输家的现象。
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