A heroic cat saved a young boy in California after he had been attacked by an aggressive dog.
The boy, Jeremy, 4, was minding his own business in his family’s driveway when he was attacked by the dog. Within seconds, his cat, Tara, jumped in and body checked the dog away before chasing it around family’s car.
“Tara is my hero,” Jeremy told ABC news.
“My cat defends my son during a vicious dog attack and runs the dog off before he can do additional damage. Thankfully, my son is fine!” Roger Triantafilo wrote on YouTube.
Jeremy’s mother, Erika Triantafilo was also in the front yard and appears in the video seconds after the cat has chased away the dog.
“I didn’t really even realize what had happened until after when my husband showed me the surveillance video,” Erika told ABC.
Despite how quickly the attack was warned off by the cat, Jeremy still had deep gashes and chunks of skin torn off. It was lucky he only needed stitches.
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