Foreign banks are failing to make headway in China and will not create profitable mainland businesses just through riding the expected growth in the markets, according to a study.
The onshore investment banking, securities trading and corporate lending ventures of foreign banks have won less than 7 per cent market share between them at best and that has barely changed in five years, according to consultants at Oliver Wyman.
奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)的顾问们在这份报告中指出,外资银行在华从事投资银行、证券交易以及公司信贷等在岸业务的合资企业中,情况最好的企业所获的市场份额都不到7%,而五年来这一局面一直鲜有改观。
Banks from the US, Europe and elsewhere continue to invest in China against the promise of the growth to come. When Citigroupofficially launched its mainland securities venture recently,it said it expected China to supply 10 per cent of the world’s bond and equity issues in a year to 18 months’ time.
Oliver Wyman forecasts that the wholesale banking market in China will grow at 10 per cent a year on average over the next decade,with annual revenues of Rmb4tn ($639bn) by 2020.
However, Christian Edelmann, lead author of the study, said domestic banks would be the biggest winners because of government connections and deep balance sheets. Foreign banks would remain hampered by restrictions on what they were allowed to do.
但该报告第一作者克里斯蒂安·埃德尔曼(Christian Edelmann)表示,由于政府人脉强大、财务状况良好,中资银行将会成为最大的赢家。外资银行获准从事的业务范围有限,仍将没有太多施展拳脚的空间。
“The banks still believe that in five years’ time, the growth in the market will create better economics on shore and that’s a real fallacy, he said.
Foreign banks’ joint ventures in China remained sub-scale and suffered from poor profitability, he said. In the securities business, for example – which helps companies list on the Chinese stock exchanges –the foreign banks’ ventures have an average cost-to-income ratio of 90 per cent compared with an average of 60 per cent for domestic groups and 40 per cent for the top 20 domestic groups.
The story is similar in commercial banking and asset management joint ventures, though the differences are less extreme.
Banks such as Goldman Sachsand UBS, which have the longest
高盛(Goldman Sachs)和瑞银(UBS)等最早进入中国内地证券市场的银行,以及其他目前在华运营的外资银行都辩称,不宜单从在岸业务这个角度来考虑问题。
history in the mainland securities markets, and others that operate in China, all argue that the onshore business cannot be looked at alone.
The benefit, they say, is in the offshore business derived from relationships won through onshore ventures. This includes Hong Kong stock market listings and the hedging of foreign exchange exposures.
Mr Edelmann said some banks did build significant foreign exchange contracts with corporate clients. “Banks historically have justified their onshore footprint by looking at the money they’re printing offshore, he said. But instead, he added, they should review their operations and redesign their strategy.
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