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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Another day, another big provision from a UK-based bank for past misdemeanours. This time the culprit is HSBC, with an additional $1.1bn set aside, $800m of which relates to a forthcoming settlement with US authorities over money laundering.


It is tempting to sweep this, along with the cost of mis-sold payment protection insurance, under the carpet. After all, the total for both issues is £2.2bn, or 12p a share, making only a small dent in the 619p share price. But what is troubling about the money laundering allegation is that $700m had been set aside for it in July. The cost has more than doubled in three months and there could be more to come. Uncertainty rarely goes down well.


HSBC’s saving grace is that its global spread offers diversification from the fine-hungry regulators and moribund economies of Europe and the US. Yesterday’s results for the first nine months offered some proof. The loan book grew 6 per cent, while underlying profits were up 21 per cent thanks to falling US impairment charges. Basel III core tier one capital is comfortable at more than 10 per cent, so HSBC can keep lending while rivals cut back.

汇丰的优势在于,其全球性的业务分布为它提供了多元化,可以缓冲热衷罚款的欧美监管者们以及陷入困境的经济体给它带来的影响。汇丰昨日发布的今年前9个月业绩报告提供了一些证据。它贷款总额增长6%,同时由于美国减损支出不断下降,基础利润增长21%。汇丰的核心一级资本充足率达到10%以上,远远超过《巴塞尔协议III》(Basel III)的规定,因此该行可以在其竞争对手收缩之际继续放贷。

But, for all its emerging markets lustre, just under half of HSBC’s loan book is in Europe, with a further 16 per cent in the US. The bank makes much of its shift to quality, replacing risky lending such as credit cards with more secure (albeit lower-margin) products such as mortgages. But the result is that net income – before impairments – is falling in Europe and flat in the US.


Operationally, HSBC is in a better position than most of its peers and deserves its premium stock market rating of 1.2 times book value. But from a regulatory point of view it is with the likes of Barclays and Standard Charteredin facing a nasty combination of fines and rule changes. The biggest threat to its premium lies right there.

就运营而言,汇丰相比大部分同行处于更有利地位,其高于同行的1.2倍市净率是完全合理的。但从监管角度看,它与巴克莱(Barclays)和渣打银行(Standard Chartered)一样,面临罚款和法规调整的风险。汇丰优势地位的最大威胁正在于此。



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