Bored of your office job? Arctic researchers advertise new post COUNTING polar bears (and they're even offering £400,000).
The Arctic Research and Design Center for Offshore Developments wants somebody to count the numbers of polar bears living around the ice-bound Kara Sea.
The project is a joint venture between Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft and ExxonMobil, the American multinational oil and gas corporation, to exploit fossil fuels locked beneath the Arctic ice.
这个项目是俄罗斯国企石油公司Rosneft 和美国跨国石油和天然气公司ExxonMobil的合资公司开发的,项目重点是开采北极冰盖下面的化石燃料。
The job advertised by Rosneft and ExxonMobil is part of a $3.2billion exploration programme to work out how best to exploit the Arctic's natural resources.
As well as counting bears, the person who wins the post will also be expected to place electronic monitoring collars on up to 20 adult females. They also need to take blood samples from the bears so that laboratory tests can be carried out later.
But only the brave and resilient need apply. Polar bears are one of the few mammals that will deliberately hunt humans for food.
Good eyesight is a must to spot the white bears against the icy background. Winter temperatures in the area plunge to minus 46˚С.当然,要想在皑皑的白雪中找出白色的北极熊,良好的视力是必须的。冬天该区域的温度会骤降到零下46˚С。
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