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发布时间:2013-01-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Here's what we know about Election Night 2012: It might be short and sweet, but probably not. It might even be so long and so agonizing it spills into Wednesday and drags on for days, or weeks.


The last three elections have brought a taste of both. There was the tortured saga of 2000, when Florida got hung up on chads in a spat that went to the Supreme Court. And there was the night of relative suspense four years later as the election teetered on final tallies in Ohio before CNN called it for George W. Bush an hour or so before midnight.

此前三次大选让我们尝到了这两种滋味。先是2000年那次令人折磨的大选夜,当时双方就佛罗里达州的计票结果是否准确产生争议,最后官司打到最高法院才得以了断;2004年的大选夜也有悬念,有线电视资讯网(CNN)在午夜前大约一小时才宣布小布什(George W. Bush)获胜,在那之前俄亥俄州的最终计票结果始终无法确定。

The 2010 election was far less taut. When the polls on the West Coast closed at 11 PM Eastern, CNN projected Barack Obama as the next president.

2010年的大选夜没有这么紧张。当西海岸的投票站在美东时间晚上11点关闭时,CNN就预测奥巴马(Barack Obama)将成为下届总统。

This year isn't likely to be so smooth. Polls now show Mr. Obama running neck and neck nationally against Mitt Romney. The race is just as tight in nearly all the battleground states. Unless the big East Coast states tip early for Mr. Obama, the night is bound to be long. (You can watch WSJ.com's election night show. Details here.)


Here's what to look for as the evening progresses:


7 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern


Returns will begin to roll in pretty quickly from the big states along the Eastern seaboard as soon as the first precincts close, though polling stations in some Florida counties in the Panhandle won’t close until 8 p.m.


This early block of swing states - Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire and Ohio - are all but certain to be the big deciders. If Florida looks to be tipping for Mr. Obama, that could suggest an early night. A Romney loss in the Sunshine State could effectively block his path to 270 Electoral votes.


The same goes for Virginia and Ohio, states where the polls have predicted a down-to-the-wire race.


8 p.m. Eastern


With returns the first states all but sure to be inconclusive early on, keep an eye on Pennsylvania, potentially the most consequential of the states whose polls close at 8. Any sign of weak turnout for Mr. Obama in Philadelphia and its suburbs, or a Romney surge in the more rural states, could spell trouble in a state no Republican has carried since 1988.


The same goes for Michigan, another reliably blue state the Republicans still hope they may have some chance in. Signs that either are wobbly would presage a scrambled electoral map.


Folks will begin to soak up early results in a number of key Senate races in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, but otherwise the tranche of states closing at 8 doesn’t include many big players in the presidential race.


9 p.m. Eastern


By now we should have a much better sense of where the early states are tipping. Evidence of potential Romney run of states up the East Coast would portend a long night for Mr. Obama. But only the opposite - signs of real Obama strength in Florida, Virginia or Ohio - would suggest the night might end early.


Meanwhile, polls in three important states will close at 9: Colorado, Wisconsin and Minnesota.


Colorado has been the scene of some of the fiercest campaigning all year. Its nine electoral votes mark the last single haul of votes among the swing states west of the Mississippi.


Wisconsin is also a legitimate battleground state this year, with polls showing the two candidates running neck and neck. The campaigns will watch returns from there closely for any signs the Badger State might tip to the Republican side - which hasn't happened since 1984.


Minnesota, too, should be firmly in Mr. Obama's column, but the Romney camp made a late play to try to turn it their way. Signs of Obama weakness in the Northeast will be a warning flag for his supporters.


10 p.m. Eastern


As polls close in Iowa, another key battleground state, returns from the early states should make clear how important these smaller Midwestern and Western states will be. If Mr. Obama appears set to take Ohio, all he will need will be another state such as Iowa or Colorado to put him over the edge so long as he has help Pennsylvania and the other traditional blue states in the Industrial Midwest.


But if the two candidates look to be dividing the East Coast states - with Mr. Romney looking strong in Florida, for instance, but Mr. Obama holding an edge in Virginia - then all eyes will turn toward who can amass the needed stash by picking off the smaller states such as New Hampshire, Iowa and Colorado.


Polls in the westernmost of the battleground states, Nevada, will also close at 10.


11 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern


Traditionally, the closing of the polls in California has triggered the last phase of the night - and is usually crowning time for the winning candidate.


Networks are loathe to call presidential elections until all voters get to vote - though that deference doesn't extend to some of the good people who inhabit the Aleutian chain of islands of Alaska, who have until 1 a.m. to vote.


By now we may well not have a clear winner. But we should know who's out in front, and who needs to take the states west of the Mississippi to clinch the election.


If not, we will truly be in for a long night. If the polls are any guide, it could take hours to determine a winner in a number of pivotal states. Legal challenges could break out, with lawyers demanding recounts.


Worth noting also that there at least a dozen plausible scenarios that would lead to an exact 269-269 tie in the Electoral College vote.


And if that were to happen, we wouldn't know who won for months. And probably wouldn't stop bickering over it for years.



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