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发布时间:2013-01-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Tens of millions of people in the Northeast U.S. braved traffic, gas lines and patchy public transit to return to work Wednesday after Sandy's destructive passage, while many others sought only to create a semblance of modern life without electricity, running water and hot showers.


The number of deaths attributed to Sandy rose Wednesday to at least 64, nearly half in New York City, as authorities identified new victims in flooded homes and vehicles. Some six million households and businesses remained without power Wednesday, and authorities warned it could take a week or more to restore service for many.


Floodwaters lingered in coastal communities from southern New Jersey to eastern Connecticut. In Hoboken, N.J., a city of about 50,000 across the Hudson River from Manhattan, hundreds of residents were stranded in apartment buildings cut off from help by streets waist-high in contaminated water.

从新泽西州南部到康涅狄格州东部的沿海社区仍然有洪水滞留。新泽西州霍博肯(Hoboken)市人口大约5万,与曼哈顿隔哈得孙河(Hudson River)相望,这里有数百名居民被困在公寓楼中,因街道上积着齐腰深的污水而无法获得救援。

'This is historic,' said Mayor Dawn Zimmer. 'We are trying to reach everyone as quickly as we can.'

霍博肯市长齐默(Dawn Zimmer)说,这是史上少有的灾难,我们正努力尽快援救每一个人。

Authorities began to inventory the hundreds of oceanfront homes on New Jersey's coast that were washed away, flooded or burned. President Barack Obama surveyed some of the damage Wednesday with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

有关部门开始为新泽西州沿海地区被冲走、进水或烧毁的数百幢海滨房屋开列清单。美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周三与新泽西州长克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)一道视察了部分地区的灾情。

'The entire country has been watching what's been happening. Everybody knows how hard Jersey has been hit,' Mr. Obama said at a shelter set up in the Brigantine Beach Community Center in Brigantine, N.J. 'The country comes to help because you never know when someone is going to get hit by a disaster.'


In New York City, fires burned in Queens and looters sacked storm-ravaged businesses in Brooklyn and Long Island. Staten Island residents who had fled the storm returned Wednesday. 'We lost everything,' said Jake Akhsanov, his home submerged in seven feet of water.

纽约市皇后区多处失火,抢掠者洗劫了布鲁克林和长岛被风暴毁坏的商店。因飓风而撤离的斯坦顿岛(Staten Island)居民周三返回。阿喀山诺夫(Jake Akhsanov)说,我们失去了一切。他的房子淹在了两米多深的水中。

Closed subways in New York City, along with stalled rail service that normally connects the metropolis with the rest of the world, created a traffic gridlock in much of Manhattan. Commuters jockeyed for taxis and seats on buses that inched along. Many gave up and walked.


Moving-van driver Derrick Mazyck, 32 years old, spent three hours getting from Brooklyn to a job on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. He managed seats on two buses through Brooklyn but walked over a bridge into Manhattan, where buses were too full to bother stopping. He was on foot for 50 blocks when he luckily spotted a company truck and got a lift.

32岁的搬家汽车司机马茨克(Derrick Mazyck)花了三个小时从布鲁克林赶去曼哈顿上西城上班。他想办法坐了两趟公交车穿过布鲁克林,但步行过了一座桥进入曼哈顿,那边的公交车挤得满满的,连停都不停。他走了50个街区,终于幸运地看到一辆公司的卡车,搭了个便车。

'I gotta do what I gotta do,' said Mr. Mazyck. 'It might be crazy but I have to work today.' Limited rail and subway service in New York was scheduled to resume by Thursday morning, officials said.


Homeowners and businessowners who suffered flooding in Sandy's record storm surge in flood zones spent much of the day either grieving or rolling up their sleeves.


In South Beach, Staten Island, resident Grace Johnson clenched her fists and waved her arms in the air as she ran toward a college student from Queens who had come to see the damage and stood across the street taking photos.

斯坦顿岛南沙滩的居民约翰逊(Grace Johnson)握着拳头、挥着胳膊朝来自皇后区的一名大学生跑去。那个大学生来这里是为了看看受灾的情况,站在街对面拍照片。

'Jesus Christ, will you stop please,' she shouted, her eyes welling and voice cracking with emotion. 'Why don't you come over here and help sweep…instead of just looking at us.'


Zwika Pres, who co-owns Nanoosh, a chain of Mediterranean restaurants in Manhattan, had to close them Sunday in advance of the storm. Two of his three restaurants lost power, Mr. Pres said, so he spent Wednesday hauling chickpeas and vegetables in his Honda Pilot to his one restaurant with electricity. He still had to throw out thousands of dollars worth of food.

普莱斯(Zwika Pres)是曼哈顿的地中海风味连锁餐厅Nanoosh的共同所有者之一。周日飓风来临之前他不得不关闭了餐厅。普莱斯说,他的三间餐厅有两间停电,因此周三他一直在用自己的本田Pilot将鹰嘴豆和蔬菜运到有电的那间餐厅。尽管如此,他还是不得不扔掉价值数千美元的食物。

'It's exceeded the worst scenario,' said Mr. Pres, 43, who started his restaurants in 2007. 'You have the hope that everyone is exaggerating just to be safe. But, unfortunately, in this case no one exaggerated.'


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday the city was 'on our way back to normal.' Most East Coast airports were operating Wednesday, but New York's LaGuardia Airport remained closed.

视频:实拍美国东海岸各地受灾状况周三,飓风“桑迪过境后,《华尔街日报》记者用镜头记录了美国东海岸各地的受灾状况。纽约市长布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)周三说,该市正在逐步恢复正常。东海岸的大部分机场周三都恢复运营,但纽约拉瓜迪亚机场(LaGuardia Airport)仍处于关闭状态。

Even those lucky enough to have escaped the storm's long list of troubles faced the confluence of erratic communications, tangled transport networks and snapped supply chains that frustrated efforts to begin conducting business as usual.


Sandy struck a 15-state region that accounts for some 30% of the U.S. population and about a third of its economic output. Even a one-day interruption of economic activities in these states could result in a loss of roughly $18 billion in economic output, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Commerce Department data.


Nonetheless, Sandy's long-run effects on the U.S. economy would likely to be muted, experts said Wednesday.


Airlines, restaurants and retailers will lose business, but other industries will get a boost as homeowners, businesses and local governments repair and rebuild.


'The rebuilding will add more than the lost output will subtract,' Wells Fargo WFC -0.82% economist Mark Vitner said.

富国银行(Wells Fargo)经济学家魏特纳(Mark Vitner)说,重建对经济产出的贡献将大于飓风中损失的产出。

Gasoline prices, which often spike following hurricanes, have remained tame because of the Northeast's low concentration of refineries. The region's largest refinery, Philadelphia Energy Solutions' 330,000-barrel-per-day facility in Philadelphia, resumed operating Tuesday.

通常情况下,汽油价格会在飓风过后大幅上涨。但由于东北部地区炼油厂密度较低,目前汽油价格仍较平稳。该地区最大的炼油厂Philadelphia Energy Solutions在费城的工厂日产量为33万桶,该厂周二恢复生产。

That didn't stop long gas lines Wednesday. In the west-central Long Island town of Commack, motorists queued up at one of the few stations open. Station manager Aydin Ozdemir tried to keep the line from spilling into the busy highway. 'Actually, it's the toughest work, I'll be honest with that,' he said, 'dealing with too many people at the same time.'

但这未能避免周三加油站前排起长队。在长岛中西部小镇科马克(Commack),在为数不多的几家营业的加油站之一,汽车排起了长龙。加油站经理奥兹代米尔(Aydin Ozdemir)努力使车辆不要排到车流繁忙的高速公路上。他说,实际上,说实话,同时应对太多的人是最困难的事。

Lil Yokelson, a retiree down to a quarter of a tank, tried four stations before she found this one open. She had bigger worries, though. 'I'm thinking about that tree that landed on my house and the fact that I have no phone service or power, and we have no generator,' she said.

已退休的约克尔森(Lil Yokelson)已经找过四家加油站,才找到这家营业的。她汽车油箱里只剩四分之一箱油了。不过,她心里想着更让她担心的事。她说,我正在想倒在我房子上的那棵树,实际上我家里电话不通,电也停了,我们没有发电机。

Mike O'Leary, vice president of Raceway Petroleum Inc., based in Piscataway, N.J., said only three of its 50 stations 'were able to reopen with power restored' to run gas pumps. 'We've never seen anything like this,' he said. 'It's two days after the storm now and we still don't know when we're going to be able to open up.'

Raceway Petroleum Inc.驻新泽西州皮斯卡塔韦(Piscataway)的副总裁奥利里(Mike O'Leary)说,旗下的50家加油站中只有三家恢复了营业,它们的电力恢复可以使用加油枪。他说,我们从未见过这样的情况,现在风暴已经过去了两天,我们仍然不知道什么时候能够营业。

Wall Street opened for business Wednesday but not without some hiccups. Power outages forced Knight Capital Group, a New Jersey-based brokerage, to tell customers to send orders elsewhere. The firm, which suffered big trading losses after an August computer glitch, attributed Wednesday's problem to a 'generator issue' at its Jersey City headquarters.

华尔街公司周三恢复营业,但也并非一帆风顺。停电迫使新泽西州经纪公司Knight Capital Group告诉客户将订单发到别处。该公司今年8月曾因电脑故障而遭受了巨大交易损失。该公司将周三的问题归因于泽西城总部的发电机问题。

Businesses likely to see a sales boost from the storm raced to reopen. Home improvement retailer Lowe's Cos. said only two stores remained closed Wednesday out of about 200 in the storm's footprint. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. WMT -0.12% said just 30 stores in the 900-store region were closed. Sam's Clubs in New Jersey were waiving membership requirements, setting up power stations and urging customers to come in and charge their phones and computers.

预计可能因风暴而销售上升的企业则忙着恢复营业。家装零售商Lowe's Cos.说,在受风暴影响地区的约200家门店中,只有两家门店周三仍未恢复营业。沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)说,该地区900家门店中只有30家仍未恢复营业。山姆会员店(Sam's Clubs)在新泽西州正在暂免会员资格要求,设置充电站,请客户来店里给手机和电脑充电。

David Dekema, marketing director at Snowshoe Mountain Resort, in Snowshoe, W.Va., said the storm, which dropped more than two feet of snow, has sparked a flurry of bookings at the 4,800-foot-high mountain. He said he hoped to open by Thanksgiving. Last year's unseasonably warm winter had twice delayed the opening and cut the season short by a week.

风暴给西弗吉尼亚州斯诺舒(Snowshoe)的山上带来了逾两英尺(约合0.6米)的降雪。位于该地的斯诺舒山度假村(Snowshoe Mountain Resort)营销主管德克玛(David Dekema)说,风暴使很多人预定这座海拔4,800英尺(约合1,460米)的山上的度假村。他说,他希望能够在感恩节前恢复营业。去年反常的暖冬曾令营业的开始两度推迟,滑雪季缩短了一周。

'We love the snow,' he said. 'This has definitely been a reminder that winter is coming, and it could be a good one.'



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