After hesitantly pushing the door open, Gao Han walked into the dormitory and looked around. Four barren bunk beds stood in each corner. As she put a hand on the ice-cold steel frame, Gao thought to herself: “This is the place I’m going to spend the next four years.” That was the moment she decided to decorate the place and make it her home.
Nowadays there are many creative students like Gao who make an effort to change their living environment. Their decorations may give you some ideas and inspiration.
Geek style
Ma Ye, 21, materials science and engineering major student from Shenyang Aerospace University
Cost: 100 yuan
Ma Ye not only decorated but also refurnished his dormitory: he made new items of furniture out of old ones. He has an upper bunk bed, so he decided to move all the functions up. “Our dormitory is fairly small,” he says. “So I thought, if I could study and use my laptop on my bunk bed, it would save some space.”
Ma picked up some old furniture from the university’s logistical department and cut it into pieces. “I used these pieces of wood to build a book shelf on my bunk bed,” he says. “I also built a removable desk for my laptop.”
His principle is simple: “I love making things rather than buying them. For me, decorating my dormitory is about using recycled material to create an artistic atmosphere.”
Hipster style
Gao Han, 20, law major student from Southwest University of Nationalities
Cost: less than 200 yuan
Gao Han didn’t make any big alterations to her dormitory. Instead, she bought large sheets of green paper and stuck them on all the walls. “The mint color gives my dormitory a breath of freshness,” she says.
Another key point of creating a hipster atmosphere is using instax photos. “I love taking pictures, so I use cute little wooden clips to attach all my instax photos to a string,” she says.
To make her dormitory even sweeter, Gao bought a pink chair and a tablecloth with a flower pattern. “They add a feminist touch to my dormitory,” she says.
Antique style
Han Zhuang, 22,product design major student from Huaqiao University
Cost: about 2,000 yuan
Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was Han’s dormitory. He started decorating two years ago by collecting plants, toys and small ornaments on his table. “I like this kind of stuff,” says Han. “It makes me feel better.”
Han is quite addicted to his hobby. He buys decorative articles every time he goes shopping. By the end of his junior year, his table was already full of small ornaments. So he had to remove the wardrobe door and turn it into a showcase.
“I’m the only one in my dormitory who has this kind of decoration,” he says. “Even though my roommates make fun of my hobby, they like my little space.” Han adds proudly that he even leads the decoration trend in his institute.
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