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发布时间:2019-09-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Zheng Zhi, the captain of China's national soccer team, has been named player of the year by the Asian Football Confederation.

中国国家男子足球队队长郑智被亚洲足球联合会(Asian Football Confederation)评为年度最佳球员。

Zheng, who is also captain of Asian Champions League winner Guangzhou Evergrande, is the first Chinese player to win the top Asian footballer award since Fan Zhiyi more than a decade ago, in 2001.

同时还担任亚冠联赛(Asian Champions League)新科冠军广州恒大队(Guangzhou Evergrande)队长的郑智是继范志毅之后第二位获得亚洲足球先生的中国球员。范志毅在2001年曾获这一荣誉。

The AFC said Zheng, 33 years old, put in assured performances throughout the Champions League and also helped China regain consistency after coach Jose Antonio Camacho was fired following a 1-5 defeat to Thailand in June.

亚足联称,33岁的郑智在亚冠联赛中发挥出色,而且在国足前教练卡马乔(Jose Antonio Camacho)被解聘后,他帮助稳定了球队的军心。今年6月份卡马乔因中国国家队1-5惨败泰国队而被解聘。

China remains undefeated in eight matches since then, including against World Cup qualifiers Japan (3-3), South Korea (0-0) and Australia, which it beat 4-3. The country sits at 97 on FIFA's latest world rankings, which are due to be updated Thursday.


Zheng's Guangzhou Evergrande teammate Muriqui was named AFC Foreign Player of the Year at the awards ceremony in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday. The Brazilian striker, whose full name is Luiz Guilherme da Concei??o Silva, was voted the most valuable player in the Asian Champions League after scoring 13 goals and helping his team, coached by Italian Marcello Lippi, win the tournament.

在周二于吉隆坡举行的2013年亚足联年度颁奖典礼上,郑智的广州恒大队队友、巴西球员穆里奇(Muriqui)获最佳外援称号。在意大利教练里皮(Marcello Lippi)的带领下,穆里奇为恒大队夺冠立下汗马功劳,他以本赛季在亚冠联赛中的13个进球被评为最有价值球员。

Guangzhou Evergrande itself was among the winners Tuesday as it was named AFC Club of the Year.



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