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发布时间:2013-01-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

President Mohammed Morsi made some concessions to his political opponents on Sunday but dismissed their demands to delay a referendum this week on an Islamist-leaning draft constitution, leading to fresh protests and setting up a dispute with the judiciary that has a long historic precedence.

埃及总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)周日向其政治对手做出了一些让步,但拒绝了这些人推迟公投的要求,这使得该国爆发了新一轮抗议,并引发历史上早有先例的政府与司法系统之争。按计划,该国将于本周就伊斯兰主义倾向的宪法草案进行公投。

The leaders of Mr. Morsi's recently united opponents rejected the president's announcement that he planned to lift a controversial constitutional decree that awarded him near-absolute power over the country's secular-minded judiciary.


The National Salvation Front, the lead dissident group opposed to Mr. Morsi and the referendum, on Sunday said it would support the judiciary's boycott of its customary vote-monitoring role. Saturday's vote will 'lead to more sedition and division,' said Front leader Sameh Ashour.

反对穆尔西和公投的主要异见团体“救国阵线(National Salvation Front)周日说,该团体将支持司法部门抵制其通常的投票监督职能。“救国阵线的领导人阿苏尔(Sameh Ashour)说,周六的投票将导致更多的骚乱和更大的分裂。

Thousands of opposition activists thronged the street in front of Mr. Morsi's presidential palace Sunday. They called for further demonstrations on Tuesday, as the president's Islamist backers planned rival protests, raising the threat of fresh violence after six demonstrators were killed in clashes last week.


Though Mr. Morsi's partial climb down gave dissident judges a tenuous window in which to shoot down the draft constitution before Saturday's referendum on it, he has left the Supreme Constitutional Court with few tools in its legal arsenal to scuttle its passage.


Instead, Mr. Morsi's maneuvers appear to have checkmated the judiciary, effectively suppressing the last remaining constraint on his presidency in a way that even Mr. Morsi's successor, ousted autocrat Hosni Mubarak, likely wouldn't have dared. If the Islamists' winning streak persists and voters pass the constitution on Saturday, it could give Islamists a nearly free hand to redraft the architecture of Egypt's nascent democracy.

相反,穆尔西的行动似乎是将了司法系统一军,事实上是废除了其总统职权仅剩的限制,就连他的前任、被驱逐的独裁者穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)可能也不敢这么做。如果伊斯兰教徒不断获胜的情况继续下去,选民周六通过这部宪法,那么伊斯兰教徒就会不受约束地重新规划埃及新生的民主政权。

'Morsi is paralyzing the Supreme Court on purpose until the referendum,' said Mohammed Abdel Hadi, a spokesman for Egypt's Judges' Club -- a professional organization that also takes policy positions on the part of its members. 'It's too late for the Supreme Court to take any procedures now.'

埃及法官俱乐部的发言人哈迪(Mohammed Abdel Hadi)说,穆尔西是故意让最高法院在公投前陷入瘫痪,现在已经太晚了,最高法院无法采取任何程序。这个俱乐部是一个专业组织,它还代表着其成员的政治立常

Though Mr. Morsi may be winning his fight for now, he joins a long line of Egyptian leaders whose challenges to the judges have failed.



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