扩权法令引不满 埃及总统忙安抚-查字典英语网
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扩权法令引不满 埃及总统忙安抚

发布时间:2013-01-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Egypt's leader tried to contain the fallout from his decision last week to neutralize the judiciary and bestow nearly absolute powers upon himself, meeting with the country's top judges Monday and emphasizing that his edict was a temporary measure with limited scope.

上周,埃及总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)决定削弱司法机构的权力,而赋予自己几乎绝对的权力。眼下他正努力控制这一决定引发的后果,周一他与埃及高级法官们会面,强调法令只是临时性措施,实施范围有限。

The move didn't satisfy the judges, the opposition nor U.S. officials, who pressed President Mohammed Morsi to amend his decree, which has breathed new life into a youth movement that had become increasingly irrelevant since the toppling of the previous regime nearly two years ago. Opposition forces planned a massive protest for Tuesday.


Mr. Morsi's spokesman said the president welcomed the Supreme Judicial Council's demand that only his 'sovereign decisions'─those that affect the architecture of governance─be immune from judicial review.

穆尔西的发言人阿里(Yassir Ali)说,穆尔西接受最高司法委员会的要求,只有他做出的“涉及主权的决定才会免受司法监督。涉及主权的决定指的是可以影响统治体系结构的决定。

The spokesman, Yassir Ali, said Mr. Morsi assured the judges that he had 'the utmost respect for the judicial authority and its members and takes into account its immunity and specialties.' But Mr. Yasser said Mr. Morsi's edict remained in place.


After Mr. Ali's televised comments, Egypt's judge's club said they and prosecuting attorneys would continue their strike. Mr. Ali's comments 'did not modify' Mr. Morsi's constitutional declaration to grant himself near supreme political power.


On Monday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke with her Egyptian counterpart, Mohamed Kamel Amr. The White House called for Mr. Morsi to negotiate with his political opposition, though Mr. Obama hasn't spoken directly with Mr. Morsi on the issue.

周一,美国国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)与埃及外交部长阿姆鲁(Mohamed Kamel Amr)通了电话。白宫呼吁穆尔西与其政治反对派进行谈判,不过奥巴马一直未就此事与穆尔西直接对话。

The State Department also hinted at the possibility that the U.S. could withhold financial aid to Cairo if Mr. Morsi doesn't give ground on his decree.


The Obama administration is seeking to finalize $1 billion in debt relief for Egypt and it has backed a $4.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan to Cairo.'Everybody is watching how this goes forward,'' said State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, stressing that U.S. aid is aimed at supporting democratic reforms.

奥巴马政府正寻求最终确定免除埃及10亿美元债务的计划,并一直支持国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)向开罗提供的一笔48亿美元贷款。美国国务院发言人努兰德(Victoria Nuland)说,每个人都在密切关注事态的发展。她强调美国的援助旨在支持民主改革。

A number of leading U.S. lawmakers in recent days have said they would try to restrict American financial assistance to Egypt if he goes forward with the presidential decree.


Gamal Eid, an attorney and founder of the Cairo-based advocacy group the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, said that Mr. Ali's statement didn't represent a climb down by Egypt's president.

位于开罗的维权组织阿拉伯人权信息网(Arabic Network for Human Rights Information)律师、创始人艾德(Gamal Eid)说,阿里的声明不代表穆尔西做出了让步。

'The president needed to say something about the meeting because people were waiting for the result,' Mr. Eid said. 'But there was no result.'


Mr. Morsi's edict last week, in which he then said was temporary, has laid bare the bitter duel that has endured for months between Mr. Morsi's governing Islamist-led coalition and the political opposition as well as the judiciary over the shape of the country's new constitution. The document is being drafted by an Islamist-led council whose powers Mr. Morsi seeks to protect.



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