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发布时间:2013-01-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The calls for “something to be done about Syria are getting louder in the US and Europe – so loud that they may soon be heeded. The first step, which could come fairly quickly, would be to supply the Syrian opposition with weapons. The second, which is under active consideration, would be to establish a no-fly zone.


About 40,000 people have already died in a conflict that Ban Ki-Moon, the UN secretary-general, says is reaching “new and appalling levels of brutality. A few days ago, the Assad regime bombed a hospital in Aleppo, causing many deaths. Yet, before the west helps the rebels with weapons or air strikes, key questions remain to be answered. Above all, would intervention bring the conflict to an end? Or might it simply move the war into a new phase – in which the Americans and Europeans would now be directly involved?

叙利亚冲突已致4万人死亡,联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-Moon)称,冲突“已经上升到极其残酷的程度。数天前,阿萨德(Assad)政权炮击阿勒颇一家医院,导致多人死亡。然而,在西方为反政府武装提供武器和空中支援之前,仍需要回答几个重要问题。干预究竟能否让冲突结束?还是只是将战争推向新阶段,引发美国和欧洲直接参战?

This argument for caution is one that the anti-interventionists have made since the conflict started last year. But it is now gaining a less patient hearing. One senior EU diplomat says: “We have hung back for 18 months now and watched people die. That is long enough. In the US, one of the most articulate exponents of intervention is Anne-Marie Slaughter who, until last year, was head of policy planning at the state department. She wrote recently that by failing to intervene, the US is “betraying yet again what America claims to stand for and called for “decisive action to save tens of thousands of Syrian lives and possibly tip the balance of the conflict.

自从冲突去年爆发以来,反干预者便一直持这种谨慎观点。但如今,这种观点却得不到耐心的聆听。一位欧盟(EU)高级外交官说:“我们已经犹豫了18个月,目睹着人们死去。18个月够长了。安妮-玛丽·斯劳特(Anne-Marie Slaughter)是美国最积极的干预倡导者之一,直到去年她还在美国国务院主管政策规划。她最近写道,由于未能干预冲突,美国“再一次背叛了它的主张,并且呼吁“采取果断行动,拯救数万叙利亚人的生命,并在可能的情况下决定冲突的走向。

Alongside the humanitarian arguments, the interventionists also make a more pragmatic case. The rebels are making headway. The eventual fall of the Assad regime seems inevitable. But if the western powers have not provided armed assistance to the eventual victors, the west’s ability to shape post-conflict Syria could be much more limited. As one US official puts it: “We need some skin in the game.


The interventionists also make geopolitical arguments. The fall of the Assad regime would be a blow to Iran. Some Americans also fear that by hanging back, they are underlining the perception of declining US influence. How can it be, they ask, that tiny Qatar is having more impact on Syria than the world’s sole superpower?


One answer to that question is that the Qataris are much less squeamish about funding the various jihadist groups that are fighting Bashar al-Assad. The interventionists counter that by holding back, the west is ensuring that it is precisely the jihadists who are gaining power within the coalition of opposition forces fighting in Syria. In a similar vein, the interventionists argue that all the other western nightmares – the fragmentation of the country and the ethnic cleansing of the Christian and Alawite communities – are becoming ever more likely, the longer the conflict drags on.


James Dobbins of the Rand Corporation, a think-tank with close ties to the US military, says a no-fly zone would be a powerful blow against the Assad regime, which is relying increasingly on air power. He points out that, in recent years, America successfully imposed no-fly zones on Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq without losing a single aircraft. Mr Dobbins reckons the US could destroy 80 per cent of the Syrian air force on the ground in 24 hours – with most of the work being done by cruise missiles, drones and stealth aircraft.

与美国军方关系密切的智库兰德公司(Rand Corporation)的詹姆斯·多宾斯(James Dobbins)说,设立禁飞区将有力打击日益依赖空中力量的阿萨德政权。他指出,美国近年来已成功在波斯尼亚、科索沃、阿富汗、利比亚和伊拉克设立禁飞区,并且没有损失一架飞机。多宾斯估计,美国有能力在24小时内将80%的叙利亚空军力量摧毁于地面,大部分任务将由巡航导弹、无人机和隐形飞机完成。

The interventionists also believe the legal objections to military action can be circumvented. Any effort to get armed intervention authorised by the UN would run into Russian and Chinese vetoes. But if the Americans and Europeans were to recognise the Syrian opposition alliance, recently formed in Doha, as the legitimate government of the country, then they could legally provide it with military assistance, without the need for a UN resolution.


All of these arguments continue to meet resistance. Lawyers worry about the precedent that would be set by recognising an armed opposition, that is not in control of a country’s territory, as the legitimate government. Military types warn that Syria’s air defences are based near urban areas. Hitting them would risk killing civilians – as well as, quite possibly, some of the more than 2,000 Russian advisers in the country. The risk that Russia might resupply the Assad regime through ships that the US would then feel compelled to intercept, is also discussed.


But the biggest argument against intervention remains that the consequences are incalculable. Even if western bombing did trigger the end of the Assad regime, nobody knows what combination of forces would come to power in Syria – or whether they would continue to battle it out for control of the country. The risk is that a western air campaign would not end the fighting in Syria, but simply change the direction of the conflict. To prevent that, the west might then feel compelled to send a large “stabilisation force into Syria. But any such talk immediately raises the spectres of Iraq and Afghanistan.


All these hesitations and objections anger the interventionists. “We’re already heading for a failed state, with parts of the country controlled by jihadist militias. What could be worse than that? demands one. interventionist. A US official replies: “Anybody who says that western intervention cannot make things worse in Syria simply lacks imagination. It is a telling response. But it may not carry the day forever.



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