Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife said Thursday they are separating after nearly three decades of marriage, setting the stage for the first divorce of a Russian leader since Peter the Great and bringing an end to years of speculation about the state of the couple's union.
俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)和妻子周四说,在结婚近30年后,他们两人将分道扬镳。普京可能成为彼得大帝(Peter the Great)以来首位离婚的俄罗斯领导人,多年来外界对于这对夫妇婚姻状况的猜测也将随之画上句号。
'It was our joint decision,' Mr. Putin, 60 years old, said in a rare interview alongside his wife, 55-year-old Lyudmila Putina, who explained that the marriage had ended because they 'barely see one another.'
60岁的普京少有地与55岁的妻子柳德米拉•普京娜(Lyudmila Putina)一起接受采访。他说,这是我们两人的共同决定。他的妻子解释说,两人的婚姻结束是因为他们很少见到对方。
The couple made the surprise announcement in a brief appearance after a performance of the ballet 'La Esmeralda' at the Kremlin theater. After a few questions about the dance elicited enthusiastic replies, the reporter from state-run Rossiya-24 television asked about rumors that the first couple no longer lived together.
普京夫妇是在克里姆林宫剧院芭蕾舞剧《艾丝美拉达》(La Esmeralda)演出结束后的短暂露面中宣布这一出人意料的消息的。在几个有关表演的问题得到热情回应后,俄罗斯国有电视台Rossiya-24的记者问到有关普京夫妇已经不住在一起的传言。
Mr. Putin, who for years has angrily batted away personal questions, confirmed that they live apart. Explaining their decision, the Putins spoke somewhat awkwardly, looking at one another for cues, as Russians heard for the first time a public admission of discord within the secretive first family.
The pair's two daughters, 28-year-old Maria and 26-year-old Yekaterina, have been hidden from view to such an extent that few in Russia know what they look like. Mr. Putin said the couple 'loves their children and is very proud of them,' noting that they now lead their own lives in Russia. Mrs. Putina thanked him for supporting her and her daughters.
Asked if they were divorcing, Mrs. Putina said, 'you could call it a civilized divorce,' without elaborating. Mr. Putin nodded and ended the interview.
Neither explained the timing of their announcement.
Mr. Putin suggested his work has led to his marriage's demise. 'All my activity and work is tied to publicity, absolute publicity,' he said. 'Some people like that and others don't. But there are some people for whom it's completely incompatible,' Mr. Putin said, gesturing toward his wife.
Mrs. Putina confirmed that she finds it difficult to appear in front of people. She also said it is hard for her to fly, though she was once a stewardess.
Mr. Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, suggested the Russian leader had become married to his work. 'It's no secret and everyone knows that he long ago devoted himself to the country, as pompous as that may sound,' he told the Lifenews website.
普京的发言人佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)暗示,普京已经与他的工作结合。他对Lifenews网站说,这可能听起来有些像自夸,但众所周知,他很早以前就把自己献给了国家,这不是秘密。
The announcement comes at a time when the Russian government is trying to promote traditional family values, in part to prop up the country's sluggish birthrate. Russia has a population of 143 million and has one of the world's highest divorce rates. In 2017, Russia saw 1.2 million marriages and 642,000 divorces, according to federal statistics.
In the past, Mr. Putin appeared at Russian Orthodox Easter services with his wife. But Mrs. Putina didn't attend the most recent service this spring. The Russian Orthodox Church permits divorce in some circumstances.
Mr. Peskov said Thursday that the couple has yet to file for divorce officially.
The announcement brings an end to a marriage that has been the subject of speculation for years in Russia and abroad. Until Thursday, Mr. Putin and the Kremlin vehemently denied periodic tabloid reports of marital stress or even plans for divorce. Mr. Putin, meanwhile, has cultivated an athletic, tough-guy image with appearances flying planes, riding horses and wrangling wild animals.
After one Moscow paper reported in 2008 that Mr. Putin had split with his wife and was planning to marry a gymnast many years his junior, Mr. Putin responded angrily.
'There's a private life that no one's allowed to mess with,' he said at the time. 'I have always had a negative attitude toward those who reach into the lives of others with their fluey noses and erotic fantasies.' The newspaper was closed by its owner within days.
In the initial years after Mr. Putin became president in 2000, Mrs. Putina accompanied her husband on major trips and made a number of appearances in public. But like nearly all her predecessors, with the exception of Mikhail Gorbachev's wife, Raisa, she stayed away from political matters and avoided the limelight.
2000年普京出任总统后的头几年,他的夫人曾随他进行重要出访,并多次在公开场合露面。但与几乎所有的俄罗斯总统夫人一样──除了戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)的夫人赖莎(Raisa),她远离政治事务,避免受到关注。
Mrs. Putina's absences grew even longer when her husband served as prime minister from 2008 to 2017. Their last public appearance together before Thursday was Mr. Putin's presidential inauguration in May 2017, the Interfax news agency reported.
The couple married on July 28, 1983. Vladimir was a young KGB officer from Leningrad. Lyudmila was a stewardess from Kaliningrad. They met through friends at a concert when Mrs. Putina made a trip to Leningrad, and later struck up a long-distance relationship by phone, with Mrs. Putina flying back and forth to see her new crush, according to a Kremlin-sanctioned biography released in 2000.
In the book, Mrs. Putina recalled one special night after 3½ years of dating. The two sat down at his house.
'I'm generally not a very convenient person,' she recalled him saying. 'Then he went on to list all his self-characterizations─silent, sometimes pretty cutting, sometimes hurtful, and so on.'
She thought they were breaking up, but instead Mr. Putin proposed. The young stewardess said yes to the Soviet agent, acknowledging she was about to marry 'a risky life partner.'
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