This mother duck brought traffic to a halt as she set out for a morning swim with her adorable brood in tow.
Drivers in Macclesfield could only watch and wait as the mallard waddled along Clarke Lane with her flock of 13 fluffy ducklings en route to the nearby Ridgate Reservoir.
Onlookers said the family of ducks had tried to reach the water over a wall, but took a detour along the road when it proved too high for the tiny ducklings to cross.
'Mother duck could fly over the drystone wall, but the ducklings couldn't make it,' one passerby said.
'She then walked them 500 yards up the road to a gate in the wall and they all made it back to the water.' The quirky scene was captured on camera close to Macclesfield Forest.
“然后鸭妈妈就带领着小鸭子们沿着马路走了500码的距离,通过墙上的门然后走到了水边。” 这样古怪的一幕被麦克莱斯菲尔德森林附近的摄像机捕捉了下来。
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