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发布时间:2013-01-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Boris Johnson has launched an offensive against France’s central bank governor, accusing him of a “naked attempt to steal London’s financial crown, write James Pickford in London and Hugh Carnegy in Paris.

伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)对法国央行行长发动了“攻击,指责对方“赤裸裸地企图窃取伦敦的金融桂冠。

The mayor of London spoke out after Christian Noyer, governor of the Banque de France, told the Financial Times the eurozone nations should gain “control of the bulk of the currency union’s financial business, which is centred on the City of London. Mr Johnson told the Evening Standard newspaper: “This is a desperate French attack in an effort to make something out of the eurozone crisis?.?.?.?shows utter contempt for the principles of the single?market?and?it?will?not?succeed.

法国央行(Banque de France)行长克里斯蒂安·诺亚(Christian Noyer)向英国《金融时报》表示,欧元区国家应该“控制欧元区大部分金融业务(目前主要在伦敦金融城进行)后,约翰逊发起回击。约翰逊告诉伦敦《标准晚报》(Evening Standard):“这是法国为了从欧元区危机捞得好处而发起的绝望攻势……它表明了对单一市场原则的完全蔑视,将不会取得成功。

Mr Noyer said there was “no rationale for allowing the eurozone’s financial centre to be “offshore, prompting sharp rebukes not only from Mr Johnson but also Vince Cable, the UK business secretary.

诺亚表示,允许欧元区的金融中心设在“离岸区域是“非理性的,这招致了约翰逊和英国商业大臣文斯·凯布尔(Vince Cable)的猛烈驳斥。

“I don’t think his analysis is correct, Mr Cable said. “[It is] rather contradicted from what I pick up from serious French bankers [who believe that] having a strong UK financial sector is important for Europe. We want to be part of a single market in financial services.


The dispute broke out before a meeting in Brussels today at which EU ministers will try to agree a deal handing the European Central Bank broad supervisory powers over banks.


Amid fears that the City will be sidelined?by?the?arrangements,?George Osborne, the UK chancellor, will push for safeguards to prevent eurozone members from dictating rules to nations outside the currency union.

由于担心伦敦金融城将被这些安排边缘化,英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)将努力争取预防性条款,以阻止欧元区成员国支配欧元区以外国家的规则。

Mark Boleat, policy chairman at the City of London Corporation, the local authority for the capital’s financial district, said the City supported the eurozone’s efforts to resolve the financial crisis but warned that

伦敦金融区地方政府——伦敦金融城管理当局(City of London Corporation)政策与资源委员会主席包墨凯(Mark Boleat)表示,金融城支持欧元区解决金融危机的努力,但警告称,“反竞争或保护主义措施将破坏其作为首选交易场所的名声。

“anti-competitive or protectionist measures would damage its reputation as a place to do business.


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