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发布时间:2013-01-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

While Barclays strategist Barry Knapp is optimistic 2013 will turn out fine for stocks, the early part of the year could be particularly problematic.

虽然巴克莱(Barclays)策略师纳普(Barry Knapp)乐观地认为美股在2013年终将有不错的表现,但明年上半年美股走势可能尤其不容乐观。

Earlier Monday Knapp unveiled a 1525 S&P 500 price target for the end of next year, or about a 7% gain from current levels. But getting to that estimate won't be easy, at least at the beginning of the year, as uncertainty surrounding the fiscal cliff will likely prompt stocks to kick off 2013 on a sour note.


'The first significant market move next year could be downward,' Knapp says in a note to clients. 'Earnings estimates look overly optimistic, share prices have overshot core fundamentals and policy uncertainty is quite elevated relative to market risk measures.'


He's convinced, however, that such a downturn would be shallow and short-lived as opposed to the beginning of a sizable move lower.


'Overall, it's tough for us to see a particularly poor end to 2013, but policymaker missteps could lead to a messy first half, particularly if it opened up weakness in Europe and Asian export channels,' Knapp says. 'Still, we think the probability of the market staying depressed is low and we'd view a market downturn as a buying opportunity, particularly for capital spending-exposed cyclical stocks.'


The S&P 500 recently rose 0.1% to 1419.


Knapp is slightly less optimistic than the Street consensus. The 11 Wall Street strategists that have released their 2013 estimates expect the S&P 500, on average, to finish next year at 1530, according to Birinyi Associates.

相比华尔街分析师的普遍预期,纳普显得稍稍没那么乐观。股市研究机构Birinyi Associates的数据表明,11位已经发布2013年股市预期的华尔街策略师平均预计,标准普尔500指数明年末将收于1,530点。

Citigroup and Bank of America, thus far, are the most optimistic, with 2013 targets of 1615 and 1600, respectively. Both estimates would wipe out the S&P 500's previous record high of 1565, set in October 2007.

到目前为止花旗集团(Citigroup)和美国银行(Bank of America)最为乐观,两家机构分别预测2013年末标普500指数将收于1,615点和1,600点。这两个预期水平都将超越标普500指数在2007年10月创下的1,565点的纪录高位。

Wells Fargo UBS and Morgan Stanley are currently the most bearish, with targets of 1390, 1425 and 1434, respectively.

富国银行(Wells Fargo)、瑞银(UBS)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)则是目前最为悲观的三家机构,其给出的预测点位分别为1,390点、1,425点和1,434点。

Knapp began 2012 with a year-end target of 1330, which is about 6% below current levels. While his estimate fluctuated throughout the year, he lowered his view to 1325, from 1395, the day after the presidential election, when the S&P 500 tumbled below 1400.


At that time, he suggested investors should cut risk ahead of the brewing fiscal battle over large tax increases and spending cuts. The post-election stock swoon continued for more than a week before the market bounced back beginning in mid-November.


Through Friday's close the S&P 500 is up 13% on a year-to-date basis.


Even as Knapp is still concerned about the fiscal cliff, he's optimistic that positive catalysts will overshadow negative concerns and fuel the market higher by the end of 2013.


'In our base case, we assume there will be a decent amount of fiscal drag,' Knapp says. 'However, we expect this fiscal drag and policy uncertainty to dissipate in the second half of 2013. Earnings growth deceleration, attributable to slowing global growth and the U.S. political environment, should trough before mid-year.'



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