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发布时间:2013-01-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Things got quite exciting in London at noon on Tuesday. First Kweku Adoboli, the rogue trader formerly employed by UBS, was sentenced to seven years in prison for fraud. Then Hewlett-Packardaccused the former management of Autonomy, the UK software company, of wrongdoing. The moral appeared to be, as a New York journalist wryly tweeted: “Don’t trust the British.

上周二中午,在伦敦,情况变得十分热闹有趣。首先,流氓交易员、瑞银(UBS)前员工奎库·阿多博利(Kweku Adoboli)因欺诈罪被判7年徒刑。然后是惠普(HP)指控英国软件公司Autonomy的前管理层犯下不法行为。其中隐含的意味似乎是,正如一位纽约记者在Twitter上发帖挖苦的一样:“不要信任英国人。

Hold on a minute, though. This is HP we’re talking about, a company that has a sorry record of overpaying for acquisitions and then writing off most of the value shortly afterwards. If Autonomy inflated its value in its $11bn sale to HP last year, which it firmly denies, it was bought by the world’s biggest deflater.


As Meg Whitman, HP’s latest chief executive, disclosed a writedown of $8.8bn on the Autonomy deal, she made it sound like a unique scandal. But three months ago, she wrote down $8bn on its $13.9bn purchase of Electronic Data Systemsin 2008. Not even that collapse matched Léo Apotheker, her predecessor, who wrote off more than the $1.2bn HP had paid for Palm in 2010.

在惠普最新一任首席执行官梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)披露减记Autonomy交易88亿美元时,她使之听起来就像一桩唯一的丑闻一样。但就在3个月前,她对2008年惠普以139亿美元收购的电子数据系统公司(EDS)减记80亿美元。不过这场失利与其前任李艾科(Léo Apotheker)相比就望尘莫及了。2010年惠普收购Palm时花了12亿美元,李艾科对之减记的金额甚至超出这一收购价。

With management and accounting like that, it is surprising HP has a balance sheet left. Indeed, the EDS writedown triggered a revaluation of its other assets that contributed $3bn to the Autonomy kitchen-sinking. This cascade took $20bn of goodwill and intangibles off its assets this year – almost matching its $23bn market capitalisation.


Even in a world where mergers and acquisitions are risky, and big companies struggle to make them work, this is remarkable. As any shareholder might ask – and many do – what is going on?


The initial temptation – one encouraged by HP – is to blame Autonomy for the debacle. But although it bears plenty of responsibility for what occurred, it isn’t the entire story. In many ways, Autonomy and HP were natural partners in an industry that is prone to wild misvaluation.


One reason is that Silicon Valley companies, and now those from London’s Silicon Roundabout, have always lived or died by growth. Venture capitalists fund software and internet companies on the promise of rapid growth and high margins. When growth slows, as it has for HP, they have an identity crisis.

其中一个原因是,硅谷企业以及现在的伦敦“硅盘(Silicon Roundabout)企业,总是生于增长也死于增长。风险资本家为软件和互联网公司提供资金,以期从快速增长和高额利润中分一杯羹。一旦增长放缓(正如惠普一样),这些企业就有了身份危机。

The temptation, indulged by HP’s various chief executives over the past few years, is to restore it by buying high growth companies at inflated prices to tack on to mature operations. Autonomy was a classic example: Mr Apotheker paid an eye-watering premium in an effort to shift HP from hardware.


It is also relatively simple to inflate the value of software companies with sharp accounting. “There is more scope for abuse because you can press a button and record a sale at almost zero cost, says Paul Morland, a technology analyst at Peel Hunt in London. “In other businesses there tends to be more involved, like making and delivering something.

运用精明的会计手段来虚增软件公司的价值也是相对简单的。伦敦Peel Hunt的技术分析师保罗·莫兰德(Paul Morland)表示:“这里存在更大的滥用空间,因为你只要按一下按钮,就能以接近零的成本记录一项交易。在其他企业,交易通常要牵涉更多方面,例如制造和交付某种产品。

Mike Lynch, Autonomy’s founder and former chief executive, insists that HP is making baseless charges and that it spoiled his business after buying it. But the tactics HP accuses Autonomy of using – for example, prematurely recognising the lifetime value of a software licence sale – have been employed by others.

Autonomy创始人、前首席执行官迈克·林奇(Mike Lynch)坚称,惠普的指控是毫无根据的,而且他的企业被惠普收购以后毁掉了。但惠普指控Autonomy采取的手段已为其他企业采用,例如将软件许可销售在整个许可期内的销售价值,提前确认。

In some extreme cases, that has led to fraud charges against those involved. Seven senior executives of Computer Associates, the US software company, were jailed in 2006 for fraud and obstructing justice after massaging their results by recording sales made in one quarter in an earlier one.

在某些极端情况下,这使卷入其中的企业受到欺诈指控。2006年,美国软件公司冠群 (Computer Associates)的7名高管因欺诈罪和妨碍司法罪被判入狱,起因是他们把一个季度的销售记入前一个季度,篡改业绩。

In other cases, companies manage to test the boundaries of accounting practice without breaching any rules. HP has handed its complaints about Autonomy’s former senior managers to the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US and the Serious Fraud Office in the UK, and those bodies will decide.


The mystery is why HP, and the advisers that handled the deal, did not dig deeper in the first place. It was not a secret that some analysts and investors thought Autonomy was flattering its figures. “When the deal was announced, I wrote to HP telling them they were making a big mistake, says Mr Morland. “I never got a response.


Jim Chanos, founder of Kynicos Associates, a US hedge fund, told investors in 2009 that Autonomy was hiding weaknesses in its results by buying companies and adding their revenues to its own. Autonomy “appears to have consistently overstated revenue and grossly understated expenses as part of its acquisition strategy, he wrote.

2009年,美国对冲基金Kynicos Associates创始人吉姆·查诺斯(Jim Chanos)告诉投资者,Autonomy通过收购企业,把被收购方的收入加到自己的收入中,来掩盖自身弱点。他写道,Autonomy “似乎一直夸大收入,严重低报支出,这构成其收购战略的一部分。

Yet Autonomy’s reported record of vibrant software sales and high margins made it a tempting target for HP under the growth-hungry Mr Apotheker. Mr Chanos was also critical of HP, describing it last year as “a tech roll-up whose constantly changing management team has wrecked the balance sheet.


That was his view even before Ms Whitman went on the balance sheet writedown spree of the past few months. It does not encourage much faith that HP has changed its ways since she replaced Mr Apotheker. Whatever the merits of her case against Autonomy, it was a timely distraction from HP’s own operational weaknesses.


Ms Whitman, who sat on the board of HP when it approved the purchase of Autonomy, is trying to remodel her company into something more stable and better under control. She talked to analysts last month of providing “a steady hand on the tiller and of halting HP’s tendency to keep changing strategy.


She has used some pretty punchy accounting methods herself to write off HP’s past acquisition errors and false hopes. With those taken from the balance sheet, it needs time to rebuild. A good start would be to stop acquiring exciting-looking growth companies.



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