The political comeback of Shinzo Abe is one of the stranger twists in the recent, convoluted history of Japanese politics. Five years – and five prime ministers – ago, when he suddenly resigned after an ignominious year in office, few would have predicted a return. Back then, his mission to create a “beautiful Japan less ashamed of its wartime history was out of kilter with a population more exercised by continued economic stagnation.
安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)卷土重来,在日本近年来错综复杂的政治史中是一个比较独特的事件。五年前(五年间日本产生了五任首相),在就任首相的一年间声名狼藉的安倍晋三突然辞职。当时,几乎没人预料到他会回归。当时,安倍晋三提出要将日本建设成一个“美丽国家,更坦然地面对二战时期的历史,但在更担心经济持续停滞的日本民众面前,这一目标有些不合时宜。
Much has changed since then. Most important is China’s more assertive push to reclaim the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands, which Beijing calls Diaoyu. The so-called “Senkaku shock, the latest bout of which unleashed violent anti-Japan demonstrations across China, has convinced many Japanese that a newly risen China is something to be feared. That plays into the hands of Mr Abe, who has argued that Japan should ditch its pacifist constitution, which forbids it from having an army or a navy. Mr Abe would also like to increase military spending. His view looks reasonable.
时过境迁。如今最重大的变化是,中国在收回日本控制下尖阁列岛(Senkaku islands,中国称之为“钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿)方面采取了更为强硬的立常最近一轮所谓“尖阁列岛冲击(Senkaku shock),在中国全国范围内引发了反日暴力游行,这令许多日本人相信,刚刚崛起的中国是个威胁。日本民众的这种想法对安倍晋三是有利的。安倍晋三主张,日本应抛弃禁止日本保有陆军或海军的和平宪法。他还希望增加军事开支。这些主张在新的形势下似乎是合理的。
The second factor to swing Mr Abe’s way is the lousy performance of the Democratic Party of Japan, which has raced through three prime ministers in three years. The DPJ was elected in 2009 amid hope that it could rejuvenate Japan after more than half a century of political domination by Mr Abe’s Liberal Democratic party. But the DPJ failed to seize the moment. Japan continues to drift.
The third point in Mr Abe’s favour is his willingness to consider more radical solutions to persistent deflation. He has entertained the idea of imposing a 2-3 per cent inflation target on the central bank and of appointing a governor willing to print money until that goal is achieved. So long as Mr Abe does not overstep the mark by threatening central bank independence, his bolder stance on inflation is to be welcomed. If anything, he has backtracked a little too quickly.
No one should be under any illusion about Mr Abe. He was a lousy prime minister first time around. At home, he lacked leadership and fresh ideas. Abroad, his insistence on whitewashing some elements of his country’s wartime history – such as the Imperial Japanese Army’s routine use of sex slaves – was shameful and caused justified anger among neighbours.
That Mr Abe now looks like the best candidate available is the result of two things: China’s misguided foreign policy, and the sorry state of a Japanese political system unable to produce someone better.
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