国内英语资讯:China tells U.S. politicians to stop condoning violent crimes in Hong Kong-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:China tells U.S. politicians to stop condoning violent crimes in Hong Kong

发布时间:2019-08-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, Aug. 6 -- China on Tuesday again demanded relevant U.S. politicians immediately stop condoning violent crimes and interfering in Hong Kong affairs, saying any attempt to interfere in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs won't succeed.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying made the call when commenting on U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's latest stance on Hong Kong.

Hua said the recent demonstrations in Hong Kong have turned into radical, violent and illegal behaviors, with a small number of radicals committing misdeeds, including setting fire and hiding a lot of offensive weapons.

"Nancy Pelosi and other U.S. politicians have been calling white black time and again, bolstering violent radical criminals and even beautifying and whitewashing their behaviors. They've wantonly smeared and vilified the just move of the SAR government and police to uphold the rule of law and order," said Hua. "This is no different from covering up, conniving at and supporting illegal criminal behaviors, which again reveals their malicious intention of anti-China and messing up Hong Kong."

The Chinese side urged the relevant American politicians to immediately stop condoning violent crimes and grossly interfering in Hong Kong affairs, she said.

"Any attempt to undermine 'one country, two systems' and Hong Kong's prosperity and stability will surely be resolutely opposed by all Chinese people, including the Hong Kong compatriots," said Hua. "Any attempt to interfere in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs is doomed to fail."


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