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发布时间:2013-01-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

PPR SA is acquiring Chinese fine-jewelry maker Qeelin Ltd., the French company's first Asian label, highlighting the powerful role China is playing in the luxury world.

法国奢侈品制造商PPR SA计划收购中国精细珠宝制造商麒麟珠宝(Qeelin Ltd.)。这将成为PPR在亚洲收购的首个品牌,凸显了中国在奢侈品界的强大地位。

China is 'already an absolutely immense market, it will become even more so,' said François-Henri Pinault, chief executive of PPR, whose labels include Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and Stella McCartney. 'A brand whose origins, its codes, its DNA are Chinese will benefit from a considerable advantage.'

PPR集团首席执行长(CEO)弗朗索瓦-亨利·皮诺(François-Henri Pinault)说,中国已经成为一个绝对庞大的市场,且将变得更加庞大。一个起源、符号和基因都来自中国的品牌将受益于一个相当大的优势。PPR旗下品牌包括古驰(Gucci)、伊夫·圣·洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)和斯特拉·麦卡特尼(Stella McCartney)。

Affluent Chinese shoppers have been a growth engine for European luxury houses, with an appetite for brand-name bags and pricey trinkets fueling double-digit growth. While the market's growth has cooled somewhat lately, the acquisition suggests that luxury executives see considerable potential in Chinese brands as the appetite for high-end products evolves in the country.


Qeelin is on a natural path to develop in China, he said, 'but it has an international potential also.'


Qeelin, which was founded in 2004 by Chinese designer Dennis Chan and French entrepreneur Guillaume Brochard, has 14 boutiques: 11 in China and Hong Kong and three in Europe. The label translates mythical Chinese symbols such as the Lion Dance, used in a gem-encrusted representation of a lion, into luxury jewelry.

华人设计师陈瑞麟(Dennis Chan)和法国企业家纪尧姆·布罗查德(Guillaume Brochard)于2004年成立麒麟珠宝。该品牌目前开设了14家精品店,其中11家位于中国内地和香港,三家位于欧洲。麒麟珠宝将舞狮等神秘的中国符号转化为奢华的珠宝。在舞狮系列的产品中,该品牌用镶嵌的宝石代表狮子。

'There is a high probability that [Qeelin] speaks more to a Chinese clientele, given that it uses the codes and tradition of that culture,' Mr. Pinault said.


PPR didn't disclose the financial terms. But Mr. Pinault said the deal was smaller than the company's acquisitions last year of surf-and-skate brand Volcom and menswear brand Brioni. PPR bought the labels for $608 million and around 300 million, or roughly $390 million, respectively.


Qeelin is 'a young company, which is still a modest size compared with its potential,' Mr. Pinault said.


Qeelin─the name comes from the Mandarin word qilin, describing an auspicious mythical hoofed creature─sells pieces for roughly 2,000 to 30,000.


Messrs. Chan and Brochard will retain minority stakes and remain with Qeelin after the sale. The deal is expected to close in January.



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