A minister from Indonesia's ruling Democratic party tendered his resignation after authorities launched a probe of his role in an alleged corruption case.
'I have tendered my resignation this morning and the president understands my decision,' Youth and Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng said in a press conference Friday. He denied all allegations that he received kickbacks.
印尼青年和体育部长安迪(Andi Mallarangeng)在周五的资讯发布会上说,我今天上午递交了的辞呈,总统理解我的决定。他否认了有关接受回扣的指控。
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono won a landslide victory for a second five-year term in 2009 on a promise to combat corruption, but a series of cases involving members of his Democratic party have led to rising public frustration.
印尼总统苏西洛(Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono)在2009年的大选中以压倒性优势获得连任,开始了自己第二个五年总统任期,他获胜的原因就是承诺要打击腐败,但一系列涉及其所在民主党内成员的案子导致印尼公众的失望之情日益强烈。
Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission late Thursday named Mr. Mallarangeng a suspect in a corruption case estimated to have caused a loss of around 244 billion rupiah ($25.4 million) to the state. The commission alleged he abused his power to benefit himself and others, and has asked the immigration office to ban Mr. Mallarangeng from traveling outside the country for six months.
印尼肃贪委员会(Corruption Eradication Commission)周四晚间宣布安迪是一起腐败案的涉案嫌犯,这起案子估计已经导致印尼政府损失了2,440亿印尼卢比(合2,540万美元)。该委员会指控安迪滥用权力为自己和他人谋取利益,并要求印尼移民局禁止他出国旅行六个月。
The Ministry of Youth and Sport oversees a government project to build a 1.2 trillion rupiah sports-training center in West Java, and the commission launched an investigation into the project last year after a contractor was caught allegedly handing cash to ministry officials.
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