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发布时间:2013-01-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Macau has released the notorious gangster Wan “Broken Tooth Kwok-koi from jail, stirring fears that he might muscle his way into the city’s lucrative casino industry.

澳门释放了臭名昭著的黑帮头目尹国驹(Wan Kwok-koi)(绰号“崩牙驹),人们担心他可能会参与澳门利润丰厚的博彩业。

Wan, 57, on Saturday morning emerged from the high-security prison where he served 14 years for engaging in organised crime and money laundering.


His release has stoked concerns about a resurgence of the kind of violent crime that plagued the former Portuguese colony before its handover to China in 1999.


But Wan, who once audaciously produced a film glorifying his exploits, sent a conciliatory message two the government and his former triad rivals.


Speaking to reporters shortly after his release, Wan said Macau had nothing to fear because “nobody is going to make trouble.


Before his arrest, Wan controlled a large network of “junket operators – middlemen who receive commissions from casinos for bringing in high-rollers and collecting debt. One person close to his family said his two younger sisters and brother-in-law Chow Chi-man – known as “The Crow – were all experienced junket operators.


“He had a fearful reputation for violently suppressing rival gangs, said a former junket operator who knows Wan. “In person, he could be perfectly amiable but there was no reasoning with him.


After his release, Wan was driven to his family’s luxury apartment. The short journey would have given him a glimpse of the towering casino resorts that did not exist when he was jailed.


During his time behind bars, Macau’s casino market has grown 13 times. With $34bn in annual revenues, it is five times bigger than Las Vegas.


Over the weekend, casinos in Macau continued doing business as usual, and there was no sign of tightened security around the city. But recent events have hinted at the growing unease.


Last week, Chan Yuet-bo, a former lieutenant of Wan, was arrested for attempted murder, in a move that was seen by many as a warning directed at Wan.

上周,曾为尹国驹担任“军师的陈月波(Chan Yuet-bo)因意图谋杀而被捕,许多人认为这是对尹国驹的警告。

Separately, Ng Man-sun, a casino investor who was brutally beaten in a gang-style attack in June, has temporarily moved across the water to Hong Kong. While the attack was not linked to Wan, the two men had business disputes in the 1990s.

另外,赌场投资者吴文新(Ng Man-sun)今年6月在一场黑帮性质的袭击中遭受毒打,随后暂时躲到了香港。尽管此次袭击与尹国驹没有关联,但两人在上世纪90年代在生意上发生过冲突。

Before Macau was handed back to china, it was renowned for bloody street battles between gangs toting firearms and butchers’ knives. But the arrest of Wan marked the decline of the Triads in Macau, which now relies on mainland Chinese visitors for roughly two-thirds of its gaming proceeds.


Beijing officials were believed to have reached out to gang leaders and extracted a promise of peaceful coexistence ahead of the city’s 1999 handover.



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