Dalton Ghetti carves sculptures out of the points of pencils, literally. These miniature masterpieces are a side project for the professional carpenter, who has been perfecting this art for the last 25 years.
Dalton Ghetti专门在笔尖雕刻,没错,就是字面上的意思。对于这位专业木匠,一位有着25年经验,雕刻技艺炉火纯青的艺术大师,笔尖雕刻已经成为他工作生活的一部分。
Every sculpture takes anywhere between a few months to a few years, so anyone who has seen a completed work won't be surprised to hear that a project will take a decade.
You can see more Dalton Ghetti's work here.
来欣赏欣赏Dalton Ghetti的其他作品吧。
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