This candlestick is a perfect replica of Darth Vader's lightsaber – other than the part where it stands up on your dining table and holds a candle instead of emitting a plasma blade. Other than that, it's identical.
Clever Looney Tunes candleholder.
The cool Abra Candelabra from designers Alberto Mantilla and Anthony Baxter turns the traditional candlestick inside out. This inverse hand-blownglass candle holder uses a unique negative space design to suspend a candle seemingly in mid air.
这款Alberto Mantilla和Anthony Baxter设计的超酷烛台翻新了传统的烛台。它运用人工吹制玻璃的工艺打造了这款负空间设计的烛台,使它上面的蜡烛看上去悬空一般。
Mummy, Skeleton hands candle holders, perfect for the buffet table at party time, in a bathroom! What a great addition to your Halloween decorations.
Little Joseph is a little creepy ass porcelain candle holder. As the candle melts it drips wax onto his face.
这款名叫“Little Joseph”的烛台是一款惊悚的陶瓷烛台,因为蜡烛燃烧的时候,融化的蜡滴在Little Joseph脸上,很是恐怖。
What an awesome, original gift for newlyweds, Valentine's Day, anniversaries, and all occasions where love brings hearts together. Connect looks like a candelabra, but is actually two crystal candlesticks designed to embrace and, when they do, form a heart as one. The very glass seems to effervesce with warmth and happiness.
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