VALLETTA, July 28 -- Hundreds of protestors gathered on Sunday to protest against Malta's government plans to upgrade the central link road which will stretch from the Mriehel bypass to the foot of Saqqajja Hill on this island.
The road sees a considerable number of commuters every day because of its central location. About 55 million euros have been earmarked for the widening and upgrade project, which the government says will reduce travelling time and CO2 emissions.
The project's approval has, however, met opposition from a significant part of people who feels that the country is sacrificing too much of its natural environment.
It was said that an estimated 549 trees, as well as large amounts of farmland, are expected to be destroyed by this project.
Malta has been going through an economic boom in recent years, with both private sector construction and government infrastructure works on the rise.
The protest was organised by a 19-year-old student, Sasha Vella, who was dismayed at the project's approval by the country's planning authority. The decision prompted Vella to start a Facebook group, which quickly went viral and which today has over 10,000 members.
Malta's Transport Ministry said in a statement following the protest that it was not true that the project would destroy the trees in the area. It said that none of the trees along Saqqajja Hill would be uprooted and 285 new trees would be planted.
The project will reduce by 50 percent the waiting time of thousands of cars which pass through this daily route, resulting in a decline of air pollution, added the ministry.