If you've long fantasized of joining the Sailor Scouts and harnessing your moon power to save the world, you may want to make a run to Uniqlo in August.
Sadly, the retailer can't bless us with a magical, talking animal to guide us through life or give us perfect space buns with the tap of a compact, but it is teaming up with Sailor Moon on a collection of clothing themed around everyone's favorite moonlight crimefighter.
Arriving on a to-be-confirmed date in August, Uniqlo UT will release a series of Sailor Moon clothing items, including graphic tees, a purple tie-dye shirt with Sailor Moon's signature catchphrase, and more, Hypebae reports.
The complete line, which also reportedly includes a sky-blue tee with a depiction of the entire Sailor Scout lineup surfaced on Sora News 24, Hypebae pointed out.
Hypebae还指出,Sora News 24显示,完整的系列据称包括天蓝T恤,上面印有整个美少女战队的阵容。
Other reported items feature graphics with a blend of Japanese and English text, a purple shirt that has Sailor Moon calling for "Moon Healing Escalation", and a navy tee that includes colorful character depictions.
其他受到报道的衣服的特色是,图案上印有日语和英语文字的混合。一件紫色衬衫上有美少女战士喊着“Moon Healing Escalation”的字样(月光治疗升级)。一件海军蓝的T恤上印有彩色的人物描述。
It's reported that the line will be available in 26 countries, but Uniqlo hasn't yet detailed whether that includes an arrival to the States.
In the meantime, fans can always get excited about an impeding theater debut for Sailor Moon Eternal, a brand new movie arriving later next year.
Hypebae noted that the clothing is meant to coincide with the forthcoming film.
Sailor Moon has continued to influence the modern-day world, inspiring a past makeup palette, a phone with accompanying selfie stick, and a figure skating routine.
Plus, the cartoon and its accompanying properties from manga to movies have centered on the always important message of feminism.
Now if only I could find a talking cat that will remind me to purchase these clothes in August.
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