In what may be the second major shake-up at the top of North Korea's military this year, dictator Kim Jong Eun is believed by South Korean officials to have replaced another defense chief.
韩国官员认为,朝鲜独裁者金正恩(Kim Jong Eun)最近再度更换了朝鲜军方最高领导人,这可能是朝鲜军方高层今年第二次重大人事调整。
Reports circulated in Seoul on Thursday that Vice Marshal Kim Jong Gak, who just in February was promoted to that highest-level post below the dictator himself, is now out. A spokeswoman at the South Korea presidential office said the report was 'highly possible though not confirmed.'
周四,首尔有报道称,今年2月刚刚晋升至金正恩手下最高职位的次帅金正阁(Kim Jong Gak)已经被解职。韩国总统办公室发言人说,该报道极有可能是真的,但还没有被证实。
Kim Jong Gak is reportedly being succeeded as the North's top military commander by Kim Kyok Sik, leader of the North's forces on the inter-Korean border. In that role, this Gen. Kim is believed by analysts to have directed the 2010 attacks on the South Korean warship Cheonan and Yeonpyeong Island.
据报道,接替金正阁担任朝鲜最高军事指挥官的,是朝韩边界朝鲜军队的领导人金格植(Kim Kyok Sik)。分析人士还认为,在担任朝韩边界军队领导人期间,金格植指挥了2010年朝鲜针对韩国天安舰(Cheonan)和延坪岛的攻击行动。
If true, the change follows the departure in July of North Korea's previous defense chief, another vice marshal of the Korean People's Army named Ri Yong Ho. Both vice marshals Ri and Kim Jong Gak were considered close to the North's previous leader, Kim Jong Il, who died last December and who is the father of Kim Jong Eun. Both were also considered hard-liners who disliked any effort to reach out diplomatically to South Korea and its ally, the United States.
若消息属实,这就是另一位朝鲜人民军次帅李英浩(Ri Yong Ho)于今年7月被解除最高军事领导人职务之后的又一次人事变化。外界认为,李英浩和金正阁与去年12月逝世的朝鲜前任领导人、金正恩之父金正日(Kim Jong Il)关系密切。外界还认为李英浩和金正阁是强硬路线的支持者,反对任何在外交上与韩国及其盟友美国进行接触的尝试。
North Korea announced Gen. Ri's departure, saying that he was giving up his titles for health reasons. No official word had come about Kim Jong Gak, however.
Last week, South Korea's biggest newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, reported that South Korean intelligence officials believe Gen. Ri is under house arrest in Pyongyang and that Kim Jong Eun is struggling to control the North Korean military.
韩国最大的报纸《朝鲜日报》(Chosun Ilbo)上周报道说,韩国情报官员认为,李英浩将军目前被软禁在平壤的家中,金正恩正艰难地维持对朝鲜军方的控制。
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