Samsung Electronics has admitted breaches of labour regulations at its plants in China, as well as at those of outside suppliers.
三星电子(Samsung Electronics)承认,其在华工厂以及外部供应商存在违反劳动法规定的问题。
A four-week survey of 105 Chinese suppliers to the South Korean electronics manufacturer showed breaches including excessive working hours and the failure to supply labour contracts, Samsung said on Monday.
“Samsung takes concerns about working conditions in China seriously and, whenever an issue is identified, we take immediate and appropriate steps to correct it, the company said.
The internal study followed research compiled by undercover investigators and published in August and September by China Labor Watch, a New York-based group, which alleged labour law breaches at eight factories supplying Samsung, of which six are owned by the South Korean group. CLW also alleged repeated use of child labour at HEG, another supplier, but Samsung says it has found no evidence of this.
在三星展开内部调查之前,由卧底调查人员编纂、由总部位于纽约的中国劳工观察(China Labor Watch)在今年8月和9月公布的研究指控,为三星供应产品的8家工厂存在违反劳动法的问题,其中6家为三星所有。中国劳工观察还指控,另一家供应商海格国利电子 (HEG)频繁雇佣童工,但三星表示,没有发现任何雇佣童工的证据。
“We are now designing, researching, and/or implementing corrective actions to address every violation that was identified, Samsung said on Monday. “Corrective actions include new hiring policies and work hours and overtime practices, among other steps, to protect the health and welfare of employees.
Shares in Samsung fell 2.3 per cent to Won1,404,000.
Samsung is reviewing practices at a further 144 supplier factories, and will complete the process by the end of the year. However, it has not released a detailed response to CLW’s report in September. The report condemned alleged practices at factories owned by Samsung, including forced work without pay, labour contract violations and dangerous working conditions.
Following an internal probe of those plants, Samsung has admitted failures to comply with guidelines on working time, saying that it will aim to address this by the end of 2014. It denies all the other allegations, and claims that its extensive “in-house manufacturing network allows it to monitor working conditions at plants more closely than rivals that rely on outsourcing, allowing it to achieve “world-class working conditions.
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