李克强不在意美大选抨击 强调互信-查字典英语网
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李克强不在意美大选抨击 强调互信

发布时间:2013-01-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China’s future premier shrugged off the China bashing of the U.S. presidential-election campaign, suggesting that the harsh words are now behind the two countries and that Washington has nothing to fear from Beijing.


Li Keqiang, named to the No. 2 spot in the Communist Party hierarchy earlier this month and expected to be named premier next March, said that relations had bright prospects despite occasional difficulties, though he suggested that Washington should show greater trust in Beijing.


“China and the United States will certainly encounter difficulties in the process of cooperation, he said, according to an official transcript of his remarks.


“Our two countries have areas where interests intersect and these areas can expand continuously, Mr. Li said. “I personally believe there is unlimited room for expanding these areas.


Mr. Li made the remarks─his most extensive on the subject of Sino-U.S. ties since he was elevated to the new position─to a group of American and Chinese businessmen Tuesday. The group, which included former Morgan Stanley Chairman John Mack and Chinese technology entrepreneur Edward Tian, had earlier attended a forum of U.S. and Chinese business leaders that aims to sort out trade and investment problems.

李克强是在周二对中美商界人士发表讲话时说出此番话的,这是他成为中共二把手以来就中美关系话题发表的内容最为广泛的讲话。与会商界人士包括前摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)董事长麦晋桁(John Mack)和中国科技企业家田溯宁。这些商界人士此前参加了旨在理清贸易和投资问题的中美商界领导合作计划年度对话。

“Frankly speaking, China has no intention─and will not─affect U.S. national security, he said.


“We still enjoy mutual political trust with the United States. For example, China’s leaders frequently take Boeing BA +0.04% planes. Since I came to the central leadership I have always been taking Boeing planes somewhere. When I get on one of these planes what comes to mind is that ‘this is a Boeing─it should be safe.’


Mr. Li suggested that Chinese leaders were not too concerned with criticism of China’s trade and currency policies from both President Barack Obama and his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, during the election campaign. Mr. Li referred to a past trip to the U.S. where he visited headquarters of both parties and was advised privately not to put too much stock in what was said about China during the campaign.

李克强表示,中国领导人对美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)及共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)在竞选期间批评中国贸易和外汇政策的言论并不太在意。李克强提到他过去访问美国时,曾参观过民主党和共和党的总部,有人私下里建议他不要对总统竞选期间针对中国的言论太当真。

Mr. Li, who has been vice premier since 2008, also used the meeting at the Communist Party’s Zhongnanhai compound to take up a familiar refrain of Chinese leaders, calling for fewer barriers to China’s investments in the U.S.


“You all know that Chinese companies face a lot of restrictions when they want to invest in the United States, including reviews on national-security grounds by related government departments, he said.


“China will continue to expand its opening to the rest of the world and we hope that the U.S. will also continue to open up, especially in its treatment of Chinese investment.


Mr. Li didn’t mention the most prominent investment issue between the two countries at the moment: President Obama’s blocking a wind farm planned by Chinese machinery maker Sany Group. The president cited national security─the sites are near a restricted U.S. Navy facility─and ordered a Sany subsidiary to divest itself of its interest in the property. The Chinese group has challenged the decision in a U.S. court.

李克强没有提及中美两国眼下最为突出的投资问题:美国总统奥巴马封杀中国机械设备制造商三一集团(Sany Group)在美国设风力发电场的计划。奥巴马以国家安全为由(该风电场靠近美国海军的保密设施),下令三一集团旗下公司放弃该风电项目。三一集团不满这一决定,将奥巴马告上了美国法庭。

Nor did Mr. Li mention another thorny issue: a U.S. congressional report in October that labeled Chinese telecommunications companies Huawei Technologies Co. and ZTE Corp. 000063.SZ +0.26% as potential threats to security because their equipment could become a vehicle for Chinese spying.

李克强对于另一个棘手问题也只字未提:今年10月美国国会发布报告认为,中国电信设备制造商华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)和中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTE Corp.)可能会对美国国家安全构成潜在威胁,因为它们生产的设备可能会为中国间谍所利用。

Mr. Li touched on China’s growing role as an import nation, saying he believes U.S. companies were well positioned to take advantage of demand estimated at $8 trillion to $10 trillion over the next five years. But he also repeated another common theme among Chinese officials, saying U.S. restrictions on sales of high technology to China are holding back U.S. exports.


“There are a lot of people and corporations that are vying for a share of the China market, including American companies, he said. “We hope they (U.S. firms) won’t miss the opportunity.


And he had this to say about discussions with Americans: “I like the directness of Americans…and I hope you will appreciate direct Chinese.



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