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发布时间:2013-01-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Investors who have piled into US municipal debt face a series of rating downgrades on their bonds next year, a leading credit rating agency is warning.


Fitch says that local government is still far from a recovery from the effects of the financial crisis and recession on the US economy. The agency expects to downgrade dozens or hundreds of issuers in 2013.


The forecast, in the annual outlook report published


today, could disappoint investors whose buying spree has pushed yields on muni bonds


to their lowest levels in 45 years.

惠誉美国公共财政部门的董事总经理埃米·拉斯基(Amy Laskey)表示,2013年这一领域的信用评级下调将以高于以往平均水平的频率接连出现。她指出:“认真应对经济衰退的地方政府的财政状况好于那些在头几年里坐吃储备或者进一步扩大赤字规模的地方政府。

Income from property taxes will stay depressed, as it is based on home prices still resetting at lower assessment valuations, Fitch said. Contributions to public sector pension funds are having to be stepped up to fill holes that opened when markets crashed in 2008.

以美国各市政当局发行的20年期一般义务债券(general obligation bond)为考察对象的债券买方指数收益率上周降至3.29%,为自1967年以来的最低水平。一个月之前,该指数收益率为3.68%。

Amy Laskey, managing director in Fitch’s US public finance group, said downgrades would persist at an above-average rate in 2013: “Governments that took [recession] seriously are in better shape than those that spent the first years dipping into reserves or patching over the deficit.


A Bond Buyer index measuring 20-year general obligation bonds from municipalities US-wide recorded a 3.29 per cent yield last week – the lowest since 1967. A month ago, the yield was 3.68 per cent.


Investor money has been


flowing consistently into munis for more than a year. The buying spree intensified after the election.

摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorgan Asset Management)税务敏感固定收益部门的主管里克·陶尔米纳(Rick Taormina)表示:“目前美国地方政府的债券发行速度放缓,此时资金涌入该市场将进一步推高市政债券价格。

Washington’s budget negotiations are considered likely to lead to higher income taxes for top earners and increased taxes on dividends and other investments, an outcome that will make tax-exempt munis relatively more attractive to own.


By EPFR data, $50.8bn has flowed into mutual funds and exchange traded funds that specialise in municipal debt this year, compared with an outflow of $18.1bn in 2011. There has been no week this year in which the sector showed a net outflow.


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