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发布时间:2013-01-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Mario Monti’s decision to step down as Italy’s prime minister has rattled markets, which had grown comfortable with the relative stability of technocratic government. Rome’s borrowing costs shot up and the stock market dropped after his resignation announcement.

马里奥·蒙蒂(Mario Monti)决定辞去意大利总理职务,引发市场动荡。之前在技术官僚政府治下,意大利市场在相对的稳定中取得了良好的增长。在蒙蒂宣布辞职后,意大利政府借贷成本飙升,股市受挫。

But Mr Monti made the right choice. On Friday, the secretary of Silvio Berlusconi’s centre-right People of Liberty party declared that the government had reached the end of the road. In theory, Mr Monti could have asked for a formal vote of confidence. But seeking to strike a deal with Mr Berlusconi would only have added to political uncertainty. Besides, there should be no compromise with the media tycoon-cum-politician who has all too often sacrificed the future of his country to his own personal interest.

但蒙蒂的选择是明智的。上周五,西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)的中右翼自由人民党(People of Liberty)书记宣布,现任政府已经走到穷途末路。理论上,蒙蒂可以寻求举行正式信任投票。但尝试与贝卢斯科尼达成政治交易,只能徒增政治不确定性。此外,面对着一个每每将个人利益凌驾于国家前途之上的传媒大亨兼政客,也不应该与他妥协。

The general election originally scheduled for the spring is now likely to be held in February. The return of politics to Rome is to be welcomed. The technocratic interlude was needed to help Italy to restore its credibility. However, only an elected government will have the legitimacy to implement the reforms Italy needs. The economy must be guided out of deep recession and there is a mountain of debt to be dealt with.


Unfortunately, the political choice on offer seems inadequate to the task. On the right, Mr Berlusconi plans a comeback. But as the man who has contributed more than anyone to Italy’s crisis, he lacks the credibility to run Rome again. The polls show this.


The comedian Beppe Grillo has no such toxic legacy, but his Five Star Movement lacks a coherent economic programme. Pier Luigi Bersani, the leader of the Democrats, has shown reassuring pragmatism on economic policy. But his leftwing allies are very likely to tie his hands when it comes to cutting expenditure and reforming the labour market.

喜剧演员毕普·格里罗(Beppe Grillo)没有这些“劣迹,但他的“五星运动(Five Star Movement)缺乏条理清晰的经济方案。民主党领导人皮耶·路易吉·贝尔萨尼(Pier Luigi Bersani)的经济政策体现出了振奋人心的实用主义,但在削减开支和改革劳动力市场方面,他很可能会被左翼盟友缚住手脚。

All of which leaves a political space for Mr Monti, who has been asked by centrist groups to run for prime minister. As a grand commis who has spent his entire life above the political fray, the one-time economics professor is rightly worried about losing his non-partisan role. But at this critical juncture, his liberal instincts could be a striking alternative to Mr Berlusconi’s populism and a helpful counterweight to the uncertain reforming spirit of the Democrats.


Italians have learnt to appreciate Mr Monti’s sober style. At the very least his presence in the electoral race would give voters a greater choice and bring much-needed quality to Italian politics.



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