The U.S. should replace dollar bills with dollar coins, a watchdog said, a move that could be unpopular with the public but ultimately save the government money.
'We continue to believe that the government would receive a financial benefit from making the replacement,' Lorelei St. James, a director at the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, said in remarks prepared for a Congressional hearing scheduled for Thursday.
无党派机构政府问责局(Government Accountability Office)负责人圣詹姆斯(Lorelei St. James)在为定于周四召开的美国国会听证会准备的一篇讲话稿中说,我们仍然相信通过这种置换美国政府将享受到经济利益。
Mining and metals companies, mass transit agencies, vending machine manufacturers and other groups favor a switch to coins. They are pitted against the company that makes the paper for U.S. currency, Crane & Co., and broad public opinion in favor of keeping the greenback. Both sides have allies in Congress.
矿业和金属公司、公共交通机构、自动售货机制造商和其它团体赞成将纸币换成硬币。而美元印钞用纸制造商Crane & Co.以及赞成保留美元纸币的广泛舆论则站在了前述团体的对立面。双方在国会都各有支持者。
Ultimately, the benefits of a switch would only accrue over many years.
The GAO estimates that replacing $1 notes with $1 coins, which last decades longer than paper, could provide $4.4 billion in 'net benefits' to the federal government over 30 years. That averages out to less than $147 million a year, a tiny drop in the fiscal bucket.
'We realize that replacing the $1 note with the $1 coin is controversial, ' Ms. St. James said. 'In fact, public opinion has consistently been opposed to the $1 coin.'
Last year, the U.S. Treasury curtailed production of dollar coins after finding that more than 40% had been returned to the government unwanted. At the time, government vaults held 1.4 billion such coins--enough to meet demand for a decade.
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