施瓦辛格与妻子分居 25年婚姻将终结-查字典英语网
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施瓦辛格与妻子分居 25年婚姻将终结

发布时间:2019-07-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver, announced Monday that they are separating.

美国加州前州长阿诺德 施瓦辛格和妻子玛丽亚 施赖弗本周一宣布分居。两人已结婚25年。

The statement, issued by a spokesman for Schwarzenegger, said the two were working on the future of their relationship while living apart and would continue to parent their four children together.


"This has been a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us," the two said in a prepared statement. "After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion, and prayer, we came to this decision together."


It was not clear from the statement if either remained at their estate in Brentwood, or whom the children were with. Schwarzenegger's spokesman, Daniel Ketchell, said he wouldn't answer questions beyond what was said in Monday's statement.

从声明中无法得知是否有一人还将住在布伦特伍德的豪宅,以及子女将和谁一起生活。施瓦辛格的发言人丹尼尔 凯契尔表示,除了周一声明的内容外,他不会回答任何问题。

Schwarzenegger, a Republican, finished his seven-year run as governor in January and has been traveling to deliver speeches and pursuing entertainment projects. He tweeted frequently during his travels to such faraway places as Brazil, Nigeria and France.


Shriver was not mentioned in his Twitter updates from the road.


Shriver, also active on social networks, posted three updates on her Twitter page on the day of their 25th wedding anniversary, April 26, but did not mention the milestone.


About a month before the anniversary, Shriver wrote on her Facebook page that she was going through a transition in her life.


"As you know, transitions are not easy. I'd love to get your advice on how you've handled transitions in your own life," she said in a video posted on YouTube.


"It's so stressful to not know what you're doing next. People ask you what are you doing and then they can't believe that you don't know what you're doing," she said.


Shriver, a member of the Kennedy political dynasty and the daughter of the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver, left her job as an NBC News correspondent after Schwarzenegger took office.

施赖弗是肯尼迪政治家族的成员、已故的尤尼斯 肯尼迪 施赖弗(译者注:美国前总统约翰 肯尼迪的胞妹)的女儿。施瓦辛格就任州长后,她辞去了美国国家广播公司资讯记者的工作。

In a May 2009 commencementspeech at the University of Southern California, Schwarzenegger alludedto the powerful influence Shriver had on his life. He said when people ask him the secret to success, "I say, number one, come to America. Number two, work your butt off. And number three, marry a Kennedy."



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