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世界末日 如何投资?

发布时间:2013-01-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

If you believe climate change is real, and you want to profit from the possible end of the world, you should go out now and buy big energy stocks.


This is the remorseless conclusion of the latest quarterly letter from Boston-based money management guru Jeremy, aka Jeremiah, Grantham.

这是波士顿的财富管理大师格兰瑟姆(Jeremy Grantham)在最新的季度致投资者信件中得出的冷酷结论。

More on that in a moment.


Grantham's quarterly missives are required reading in the financial world. (They are available for free at the GMO website,, though you have to register.) He warned against both the dotcom and housing bubbles before they burst, and on both occasions he was among the lone voices crying in the wilderness. In recent years he has been warning about the impending disaster of climate change or global warming, with similar success.


Grantham's latest letter, out this week, contains astonishing and alarming news. The U.S. economic growth rate is collapsing, he says, and this is not a temporary thing. 'The U.S. GDP growth rate that we have become accustomed to for over a hundred years - in excess of 3% a year - is not just hiding behind temporary setbacks,' he warns. 'It is gone forever. Yet most business people (and the Fed) assume that economic growth will recover to its old rates.' He says this is a trend that has been developing for several decades. It was masked by the dotcom and housing bubbles, and by a wave of women entering the workforce from 1970 to 2000.


He expects future growth to be about 1% a year after inflation, and warns that rising costs of scarce raw materials - energy, metals and foodstuffs - may strangle even that. Grantham fears growth might turn negative, and stay there, within about one to three decades. We will enter a very different world - one in which effectively everything is recycled.


We forget that productivity growth is a new thing: It was virtually nonexistent in human history until about 1850. It may get back there again.


But what about oil stocks?


Grantham notes that the evidence of global warming is now inescapable. We've had three bad harvests in a row. Of the ten extreme floods to have hit New York City since 1920, three have occurred in the last two and a half years. Arctic ice has lost 75% of its volume in thirty years. It may all be gone within a decade, Grantham notes.


And now for that math.


Man-made emissions of greenhouse gases since 1850 have raised global temperatures by about 0.8 degrees Celsius, notes Grantham. Once that number hits 2 degrees, we're in deep trouble on global warming.


How much greenhouse gas would we have to emit to hit 2 degrees? Grantham says science allows us to calculate the figure at 565 gigatons.


Yet the proven underground energy reserves of the oil, gas and coal industries, if used up, would emit 2,800 gigatons, or five times that level.


So if the oil, gas and coal industries use up more than one fifth of their proven energy reserves - even ignoring further discoveries - we're into the red zone.


And here's the kicker. 'We know that to be even a little safe we need 80% of these proven reserves to be left in the ground,' writes Grantham. Yet 'the market value of oil companies is about equal to the perceived value of their reserves.'


The chance these companies would ever willingly agree to keep 80% of their reserves under ground, as Grantham notes, is minimal.


No one is likely to force them to, either. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, oil and gas companies alone gave $59 million in campaign contributions in the last year, and spent another $149 million on lobbying. They employ 795 lobbyists. (Who says all the good jobs have gone to China?). And that doesn't count propaganda. Just think of those commercials on TV, funded by coal companies, in favor of 'clean coal' - an oxymoron and a phrase Grantham says is worthy of Hitler's minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels.

此外,应该也不会有人强迫他们这样做。美国响应性政治中心(Center for Responsive Politics)的数据显示,去年仅石油和天然气公司就为竞选活动捐款5,900万美元,另外还花费了1.49亿美元用于政治游说。他们聘请了795名游说者(谁说所有好工作都流向中国了?)。这还没有计入他们在宣传活动中投入的资金。想想那些由煤炭公司赞助、支持“清洁煤的电视广告吧,格兰瑟姆说,“清洁煤是一种自相矛盾的说法,这个名词只有希特勒(Hitler)的宣传部长戈培尔(Joseph Goebbels)才想得出来。

Grantham's conclusion, to summarize a little, is that we are all in deep trouble because the energy companies would never agree to rein in their profits for the good of the planet.


The cynical might add: People are most in trouble if they (a) have children and (b) don't own energy stocks to cover their own rears. After all, those companies will own a valuable, vanishing resource in a world they dominate politically.


The simplest way to buy them is through the iShares S&P Global Energy exchange-traded fund, which owns a basket of top U.S. and foreign energy stocks.

要购买这些公司的股票,最简单的方式是投资安硕标普全球能源交易所买卖基金(iShares S&P Global Energy),该基金持有一篮子美国和海外顶级能源股。


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