Five men accused of raping and murdering a 23-year-old student in the capital last month appeared Monday before a court in New Delhi to have charges read to them.
The crime on Dec. 16, during which the student was allegedly raped for over an hour on a moving bus, later dying of organ failure due to the injuries inflicted upon her, has angered many Indians and led to calls for better protection of women.
Before the men arrived at the Saket district court in south Delhi, the magistrate, Namrita Aggarwal, on a request from police, ordered media and other public onlookers to vacate the room. Police asked for the hearing to be held behind closed doors due to concerns over the suspects' safety, Ms. Aggarwal said.
在五名被告抵达德里南区萨基特地区法院之前,法官Namrita Aggarwal应警方要求下令媒体和其他围观民众离开法庭。Namrita Aggarwal说,警方要求法院闭门举行指控宣读仪式,因为警方担心犯罪嫌疑人的安全。
About 50 police officers stood watch outside the court room after the men were led in. It was unclear whether the men had entered a plea after the charges were read. About half an hour later the men, one of them wearing a grey woolen hat pulled down over his eyes, were led out of the courtroom.
After Monday's hearing--a procedural step--the judge will transfer the case to a special fast-track court set up inside the Saket district court complex to hear the trial. A sixth suspect, who is aged 17, is being tried in a juvenile court.
Earlier, a verbal argument broke out in the court room between a lawyer who offered to defend the five men and other lawyers who say the suspects don't deserve legal representation. If no one agrees to act as defense, the court can appoint a lawyer.
Prosecutors say they are seeking the death penalty for the five men, who are charged with murder, rape and other offenses. The juvenile can only be sentenced to a maximum three years in jail under Indian law.
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