President Barack Obama plans to use the power of his office to push for stricter gun-control measures as part of a broad-based approach aimed at averting mass shootings like the one that occurred Friday in Connecticut, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Monday.
白宫资讯发言人卡尼(Jay Carney)周一说,作为一项有着广泛基础的、旨在避免再次发生类似于上周五康州小学枪击案的计划的一部分,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)计划利用自己的总统权力推进更严格的控枪措施。
Mr. Carney declined to detail a timeline or lay out any policy proposals, but emphasized that this effort would begin within weeks as the president suggested Sunday during a prayer service in Newtown, Conn.
'He didn't talk about months or years,' Mr. Carney said. 'He said coming weeks.'
At the vigil in Newtown, Mr. Obama said he would engage Americans -- including law-enforcement officials, mental-health professionals, parents and educators -- in an effort to prevent future tragedies.
'Because what choice do we have?' the president said. 'We can't accept events like this as routine.'
Mr. Carney did not elaborate much on Mr. Obama's next steps but said that gun-control measures would be a component of a broader plan.
'Gun laws are a part of this, but they are not the only part of it,' he said.
In the aftermath of Friday's shooting spree, which left 28 people dead, including 20 children and six adults at an elementary school, along with the gunman and his mother, other elected officials have begun to outline specific legislation and other suggested actions aimed at preventing similar tragedies.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) said she would introduce legislation to ban assault weapons on the first day the new Congress meets in 2013. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I., Conn.) called for the creation of a national commission on violence.
加州民主党参议员范斯坦(Dianne Feinstein)说,她将在2013年新一届国会召开会议的第一天就禁止使用攻击性武器提出法案。康涅狄格州独立参议员利伯曼(Joe Lieberman)呼吁成立一个防止暴力的全国委员会。
Some strong gun-rights defenders also signaled they were willing to restrict access to guns. Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.), who got an 'A' grade from the National Rifle Association, said Monday it was time to 'move beyond rhetoric' and 'sit down and have a common-sense discussion and move in a reasonable way.'
一些强烈拥护持枪权的人士也表示,他们愿意对枪支的获得加以限制。西弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员曼钦(Joe Manchin)周一说,是时候该超越口头上的争执,坐下来进行一场常识性的讨论,以合理的方式向前推进了。他曾获得全美步枪协会(National Rifle Association)的A级评分。
Mr. Carney said he would not rule in or rule out any proposals at this point, adding that the president has supported and continues to support the assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004.
Mr. Obama has spoken broadly about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, saying that weapons that were designed for soldiers at war do not belong on the streets. But beyond signaling support for the assault-weapons ban, the president has offered few specifics on the issue of gun control.
Mr. Carney said that the administration has taken steps to improve background checks but said the scourge of gun violence is a problem that has not sufficiently been addressed.
'We all need to do more,' he said. 'We must change. We must take more action and greater action to address this problem.'
Mr. Carney acknowledged that there will be obstacles ahead, and that it will take time to sort out a necessarily complex solution to a complex problem. But he dismissed the suggestion that, as has happened in the wake of other mass shootings, the issue might surface briefly in the immediate aftermath of tragedy and then fade into the background again. He called the killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School consistent with other violent tragedies but also exceptional in their horrendousness.
卡尼承认,未来会遇到障碍,对于一个复杂的问题要找到一个必然复杂的解决方法也需要时间。但他反驳了这样一种说法──就像其他大规模枪击事件之后发生的情况一样,这个问题可能会在悲剧发生后引起短暂的关注,之后便成过眼云烟。他称桑迪胡克小学(Sandy Hook Elementary School)的枪击案与其他暴力悲剧有相仿的地方,但骇人听闻的程度却是异乎寻常的。
上一篇: 给各国领导人的新年建言
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