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发布时间:2013-01-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Japan’s Liberal Democratic party has crushed the ruling Democrats in an election landslide so emphatic that together with a smaller coalition partner it will be able to enact legislation even without approval by the Diet’s upper house.


The victory redrew at a stroke the political landscape of the world’s third-largest economy and signalled potentially far-reaching shifts in its fiscal and monetary policy and in its dealings with China and other regional neighbours.


State broadcaster NHK said the LDP had won at least 293 of the 480 seats in the Diet’s lower house and that together with smaller ally Komeito had secured a two-thirds supermajority that would allow it to drive legislation through parliament even if the upper chamber – where they lack a majority – tries to block it.


By ending the upper house’s effective veto, the supermajority gives the LDP and its leader Shinzo Abe an opportunity to rapidly implement campaign promises to boost the economy with a surge in spending on public works and to push the Bank of Japan to adopt more aggressive monetary easing to curb deflation. Mr Abe – who will become prime minister for a second time five years after he stepped down due to illness, policy setbacks and scandals – has also signalled a tougher line in a flaring territorial dispute with China and on frictions with South Korea over Japan’s wartime history.

通过终结上院的有效否决权,自民党及其盟友的超级多数地位使得该党及其党魁安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)有机会迅速兑现竞选诺言,以大幅增加公共工程支出来推动经济增长,并促使日本央行(Bank of Japan)采取更为激进的货币宽松政策以遏制通缩。在由于疾并政策受挫及丑闻下台五年后,安倍晋三将第二次出任首相,他的当选也表明,日本将在正处于紧张状态的对华领土争端以及日韩关于日本二战史的摩擦中采取更强硬的立常


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