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发布时间:2013-01-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The American economy is improving, but the rate of growth remains low. America's jobless rate fell in 2012 to its lowest level in four years. Average home prices are no longer falling. And money has been flowing into financial markets.


But as the year ends, most observers say the economic recovery has not been as strong as they had hoped. One reason for the recovery is federal spending. Like many other countries, the United States is spending more money than it is receiving in taxes.


Some countries are spending money they do not have in an effort to get their economies growing again. Richard Rahn is an economist with the Cato Institute.

一些国家为了获得经济再次增长透支消费。理查德·拉恩(Richard Rahn)是卡托研究所的经济学家。

"If countries had only been spending within their means in keeping spending growing no faster than the rate of economic growth, we wouldn't have the global economic mess."


But other economists say the mathematics is not that simple. Desmond Lachman is with the American Enterprise Institute. He notes that deep budget cuts in Greece have produced a deep recession.

但其他经济学家表示,事情没那么简单。德斯蒙德·拉赫曼(Desmond Lachman)就职于美国企业研究所。他指出,希腊大幅削减预算已经产生了严重的经济衰退。

"Because what we're doing is, we're really applying very stringent austerity measures. The IMF concedes that the austerity hasn't been working, yet the Europeans are persisting in the same kind of austerity that got them into trouble in 2012, so something's got to give."


Financial reform activist Robert Bixby says the biggest problem for the American economy is the country's political system.

金融改革活动家罗伯特·比克斯比(Robert Bixby)表示,美国经济面临的最大问题是该国的政治制度。

"Political dysfunction in this country is a bigger threat than economic dysfunction."


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says the country does not have to be this way. He has urged lawmakers to provide leadership.

美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)表示美国无需这样做。他已经督促国会议员发挥领导作用。

"Such uncertainties will only be increased by discord and delay. In contrast, cooperation and creativity to deliver fiscal clarity, in particular, a plan for resolving the nation's longer-term budgetary issues without harming the recovery could help make the New Year a very good one for the American economy."


Bruce Stokes is an economist at the Pew Research Center. He says if the economy does not improve, many nations will be affected.

布鲁斯·斯托克斯(Bruce Stokes)是皮尤研究中心的经济学家。他表示,如果美国经济未能改善,许多国家将受到影响。

"There's an old saying that if we get the sniffles, the rest of the world gets a cold and so if we end up going to a recession as well, I think everybody is going to suffer."


As one year ends and a new one begins, the world is watching President Obama and congressional leaders. Many people want to know how America's political leaders will move to cut the budget deficit while protecting the economy.



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