The EU will launch negotiations with Japan on a bilateral trade agreement that would be the world’s largest after member states brushed aside concerns from the EU’s struggling carmakers.
The decision to open negotiations, which had been in doubt just a day earlier, was taken by unanimity at a meeting of the bloc’s trade ministers in Brussels, and held up as a sign of its commitment to free trade even in the midst of recession.
If completed, a pact would unite two economies that account for more than a third of global economic output, but which have been seeking a tonic for chronically sluggish growth.
The EU estimates that a deal could add up to 420,000 jobs, particularly in pharmaceuticals, business services, chemicals and the food and drink sectors, while increasing gross domestic product by 0.8 per cent.
Japan, which has long pressed for such a deal, won EU support after pledging to dismantle a list of non-tariff barriers, which have traditionally kept foreign competitors at bay, even before negotiations begin.
Lord Green, the UK minister for trade, called Thursday’s decision “the first big step towards liberalising trade between two of the world’s largest economies and said an agreement would “bring major economic benefits to Europe.
英国贸易大臣格林勋爵(Lord Green)称周四的决定“是世界两个最大经济体朝着贸易自由化方向迈出的重要第一步,并表示贸易协定将“为欧洲带来重大经济利益。
A Japan deal is one of several bilateral trade agreements that the EU has embarked on amid a growing realisation that the Doha talks aimed at reaching a global pact through the World Trade Organisation have failed.
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