In the few minutes it takes to read this article, chances are you'll pause to check your phone, answer a text, switch to your desktop to read an email from the boss's assistant, or glance at the Facebook or Twitter messages popping up in the corner of your screen. Off-screen, in your open-plan office, crosstalk about a colleague's preschooler might lure you away, or a co-worker may stop by your desk for a quick question.
And bosses wonder why it is tough to get any work done.
Distraction at the office is hardly new, but as screens multiply and managers push frazzled workers to do more with less, companies say the problem is worsening and is affecting business.
While some firms make noises about workers wasting time on the Web, companies are realizing the problem is partly their own fault.
Even though digital technology has led to significant productivity increases, the modern workday seems custom-built to destroy individual focus. Open-plan offices and an emphasis on collaborative work leave workers with little insulation from colleagues' chatter. A ceaseless tide of meetings and internal emails means that workers increasingly scramble to get their 'real work' done on the margins, early in the morning or late in the evening. And the tempting lure of social-networking streams and status updates make it easy for workers to interrupt themselves.
'It is an epidemic,' says Lacy Roberson, a director of learning and organizational development at eBay Inc. At most companies, it's a struggle 'to get work done on a daily basis, with all these things coming at you,' she says.
在eBay Inc.负责学习与机构发展的主管莱西·罗伯逊(Lacy Roberson)说:“这是一种流行玻她表示,在大多数企业,“由于你要面对所有这些事情,要让每天的工作能在当日完成需要大费周章。
Office workers are interrupted─or self-interrupt─roughly every three minutes, academic studies have found, with numerous distractions coming in both digital and human forms. Once thrown off track, it can take some 23 minutes for a worker to return to the original task, says Gloria Mark, a professor of informatics at the University of California, Irvine, who studies digital distraction.
有学术研究发现,由于有大量的数字化的和人为的干扰因素,因此办公室职员基本上每三分钟就会被打搅──或是自我打搅──一次。加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine)信息学教授、研究数字干扰的格洛丽雅·马克(Gloria Mark)说,一旦被打断,人们需要大约23分钟的时间重新回到其原先的工作。
Companies are experimenting with strategies to keep workers focused. Some are limiting internal emails─with one company moving to ban them entirely─while others are reducing the number of projects workers can tackle at a time.
Last year, Jamey Jacobs, a divisional vice president at Abbott Vascular, a unit of health-care company Abbott Laboratories, learned that his 200 employees had grown stressed trying to squeeze in more heads-down, focused work amid the daily thrum of email and meetings.
去年,在医疗保健企业雅培公司(Abbott Laboratories)旗下子公司Abbott Vascular担任副总裁的杰姆·雅各布斯(Jamey Jacobs)了解到,他手下的200名员工因每日没完没了的电子邮件和会议的干扰而感觉压力越来越大,很难挤出时间来埋头专心工作。
'It became personally frustrating that they were not getting the things they wanted to get done,' he says. At meetings, attendees were often checking email, trying to multitask and in the process obliterating their focus.
Part of the solution for Mr. Jacobs's team was that oft-forgotten piece of office technology: the telephone.
Mr. Jacobs and productivity consultant Daniel Markovitz found that employees communicated almost entirely over email, whether the matter was mundane, such as cake in the break room, or urgent, like an equipment issue.
雅各布斯和公司的工作效率顾问丹尼尔·马考维茨(Daniel Markovitz)发现,员工之间的交流几乎完全依赖电子邮件,不管他们要谈论的是诸如休息室里有蛋糕之类的平常琐事,还是设备问题之类的紧急事项,都是如此。
The pair instructed workers to let the importance and complexity of their message dictate whether to use cellphones, office phones or email. Truly urgent messages and complex issues merited phone calls or in-person conversations, while email was reserved for messages that could wait.
Workers now pick up the phone more, logging fewer internal emails and say they've got clarity on what's urgent and what's not, although Mr. Jacobs says staff still have to stay current with emails from clients or co-workers outside the group.
Ms. Roberson of eBay recently instituted a no-device policy during some team meetings, a change that she says has made gatherings more efficient.
Not all workplace distractions harm productivity. Dr. Mark found that people tended to work faster when they anticipate interruptions, squeezing tasks into shorter intervals of time. Workers' accuracy suffered little amid frequent interruptions, but their stress rose significantly.
Other studies have found that occasional, undemanding distractions, such as surfing the Web, can help increase creativity and reduce workplace monotony, which may help boost alertness.
Within Intel Corp.'s 14,000-person Software and Services group, workers were concerned that they weren't getting time to think deeply about problems because they spent much of their time keeping up with day-to-day tasks. So earlier this fall, managers decided to pilot a program allowing employees to block out several hours a week for heads-down work.
在英特尔公司(Intel Corp.)拥有1.4万名员工的软件与服务部门内,人们担心,由于他们不得不将大量时间用于应付每日的工作,他们将没有时间对问题进行深入的思考。因此,今年秋天,该公司的管理层决定试行一个项目,让员工每周有几个小时可以用来埋头工作。
During four weekly hours of 'think time'─tracked via group calendar and spreadsheet─workers aren't expected to respond to emails or attend meetings, unless it's urgent, or if they're working on collaborative projects.
Already, at least one employee has developed a patent application in those hours, while others have caught up on the work they're unable to get to during frenetic workdays, says Linda April, a manager in the group.
该部门的一位经理琳达·阿普瑞(Linda April)表示,已经至少有一位员工利用这些“思考时间开发出来了一项拥有专利的应用软件,其他人也在赶着做那些他们在狂乱的工作日内无法完成的工作。
Dozens of software firms have developed products to tame worker inboxes, ranging from task-management software to programs that screen and sort email, but their effectiveness is limited without organizational change.
Perhaps no company has taken on the email problem with as much relish as Atos, a global IT services company based outside of Paris, with 74,000 employees.
After an internal study found that workers spent some two hours a day managing their inboxes, the company vowed to phase out internal email entirely.
Workers can still use email with outside customers, but managers have directed workers to communicate with colleagues via an internal social network, which the company began installing earlier this fall, says Robert Shaw, global program director for the 'Zero Email' initiative.
该公司负责“零电子邮件项目的全球项目主管罗伯特·肖(Robert Shaw)表示,员工们仍然可以使用电子邮件与外部客户联络,不过管理层要求员工通过公司内部的社交网络来进行员工之间的交流,今年秋天公司开始安装了这一内部社交网络。
Atos says it's too early to say whether the experiment is a success, but in an anti-email manifesto posted on the company's website, CEO Thierry Breton compares his company's efforts to reduce digital clutter to 'measures to reduce environmental pollution after the industrial revolution.'
源讯公司称,现在就这次试行做法是否成功做出评价为时尚早,不过在该公司网站上公布的一则反对电子邮件的声明中,公司首席执行长蒂埃里·布雷顿(Thierry Breton)将他们公司这一减少电子干扰的努力比作“工业革命之后所采取的减少环境污染的措施。
Office workers aren't the only ones struggling to stay on-task.
At Robins Air Force Base, in Georgia, fewer than half of planes were being repaired on time by the Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex because employees were working on too many planes at once and toggling between too many tasks on each.
在位于佐治亚州的罗宾斯空军基地(Robins Air Force Base),华纳罗宾斯空军后勤综合大楼(Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex)里只有不到半数的飞机可以按时得到维修,因为工作人员一次需要修缮的飞机数量太多,每一次需要应对的任务太繁复了。
The base worked with Realization, a San Jose, Calif., project-management consulting and software firm, to reduce the number of aircraft in work in the maintenance docks. For example, with one type of aircraft, they reduced the average number in work to six from 11.
该基地与总部位于加利福尼亚州圣何塞(San Jose)的工程管理咨询与软件公司Realization合作,减少了维修基地内接受维修的飞机数量。举例来说,他们将其中一类飞机在同一时间内接受维修的数量从原先的平均11架减少到了六架。
Fewer projects led to better focus and more on-time results. A year after changing workflow, 97% of the aircraft are now repaired on time, says Doug Keene, vice director of the air-logistics complex.
项目数量减少的结果是更专注的工作、以及更多任务的按时完成。负责空军基地后勤综合大楼的道格·基恩(Doug Keene)表示,在改变工作流程一年后,如今97%的飞机都能够按时完成维修了。
Businesses have praised workers for multitasking, 'but that isn't necessarily a good thing,' says Mr. Keene. 'When you are focused on just a few things, you tend to solve problems faster. You can't disguise the problem by looking like you're really busy.'
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