Get with the cycle. An egregious unintended consequence of the great re-regulation post crisis was that, in haste to make banks safer, regulators removed any incentive for them to lend to the real economy. Unable to raise equity to meet new capital hurdles against strict deadlines, banks simply deleveraged. Banks were also required to build higher liquidity buffers to cushion them from runs.
But banks (particularly those swept up in the eurozone debt crisis) struggled to amass liquidity by the deadline. The need to hamster away available liquidity left them disinclined to lend. Cue Sunday’s regulatory easing by the Basel committee on banking supervision.
The committee has heeded bank concerns and revised the so-called liquidity coverage ratio, which forces banks to hold enough cash or easy-to-sell assets (such as sovereign debt) to withstand a 30-day funds outflow. The first such change extends the 2015 deadline for banks to get their act together: they must meet 60 per cent of the requirements by then, but comply fully only in 2019.
Synchronisation with Basel III’s capital requirements is practical. More important is the broadening of the definition of the high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) they can hold. Eurozone banks stuffed with their sovereign’s debt can breathe again. The relaxation is not as big as banks had hoped. But to include corporate debt rated A+ to triple B minus, double A rated residential mortgage-backed securities and certain equities – all subject to haircuts – is progress, even if in aggregate they can make up only 40 per cent of a bank’s HQLA.
分阶段达到巴塞尔III(Basel III)资本金要求是切实可行的。更重要的是,银行优质流动资产(HQLA)的定义被拓宽。持有本国主权债券的欧元区银行又可以松一口气了。标准放宽的幅度不如银行预期的那样大。但把“A+级至“BBB-级公司债、“AA级住房抵押贷款支持证券(RMBS)和某些股票(这几类均有减值可能)纳入HQLA,已算是进步了,即便这几个类别总计在一家银行HQLA中的比例不得超过40%。
The revisions will not at once lift depressed ratings of European and US banks, but should make the liquidity requirement less likely to deter financing of activity in the real economy. They should also sustain buoyant demand for corporate bonds, and kick-start the securitisation market. Investment bankers, for once, will not be complaining.
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