Phrases such as “nobody will find out, “cover up and “off the books are among those most likely to litter the in-boxes of corporate rogues, according to fraud investigators deploying linguistic software.
Expressions such as “special fees and “friendly payments abound for those embroiled in bribery cases, while rogue employees feeling the heat are likeliest to write that they “want no part of this as well as the somewhat misguided “don’t leave a trail.
More than 3,000 examples used in email conversations among employees engaged in corporate wrongdoing have been identified through specialist anti-fraud technology, according to research by Ernst and Young based on evidence from probes in conjunction with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.
安永(Ernst and Young)研究了其在与美国联邦调查局(FBI)展开的联合调查中取得的证据,通过运用专业反欺诈技术,在参与企业违规活动的员工的往来邮件中,鉴别出了3000多个语例。
“The language, which is a mix of accounting phrases, personal motivations and attempts to conceal, are very revealing, said Rashmi Joshi, Ernst and Young’s director of fraud investigation and disputes services.
安永欺诈调查与纠纷调解服务部门主管拉希米·乔希(Rashmi Joshi)表示:“我们在此类用语中可以看到会计词汇、个人动机和掩盖事实的企图,极具揭示性。
He said the monitoring of email traffic played almost no role in the compliance efforts of companies looking for possible problems. “While most organisations only focus on the numbers when investigating discrepancies, what we are seeing are ways of analysing words – emails, SMS, or instant messaging – to?.?.?.?isolate wrongdoing.
Linguistic analysis software, which initially protects employee anonymity, can flag uncharacteristic changes in tone and language in electronic conversations, and can be tailored for particular types of employees, such as traders.
The findings may be of little comfort for institutions whose email traffic has come under scrutiny, for example after the rigging of the interbank lending rate. Probes into Barclays and UBS took years in part because of the huge volume of material.
Use of the technology is set to grow as compliance departments police sprawling organisations to avert potentially costly mistakes.
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