Pancreatic cancer rates have increased by nearly a fifth since 1999.
Smoking is a known cause of this often-fatal disease yet the number of smokers has reached a record low while pancreatic cancer rates continue to climb. Could the obesity epidemic now be fuelling the increase in pancreatic cancer rates? How does it do this?
Obesity causes inflammation, which encourages cell growth and can promote cancer cell mutations. Unsurprisingly, people who have a BMI over 30 before the age of 50 are at a 25% greater risk of dying of pancreatic cancer.
"We've been puzzled by that increase because smoking - a major risk factor for pancreatic cancer - is declining," Dr Eric Jacobs, scientific director at the American Cancer Society, and co-author of the new study has said.
"我们一直对胰腺癌发病率上升一事感到困惑,因为吸烟--胰腺癌的主要危险因素--正在下降,"美国癌症协会的科学主任兼本项新研究的合著者埃里克·雅各布(Eric Jacobs)博士说道。
Although pancreatic is one of the more poorly understood forms of cancer, smoking is a major known risk factor - think of Patrick Swayze. Excess body weight is a major risk factor for many forms of cancer - uterine, oesophageal, stomach, kidney, liver, certain brain tumours, plus pancreatic and colorectal cancers and multiple myeloma.
尽管人们对胰腺癌不太了解,但大家都知道吸烟是其主要的危险因素--想想帕特里克·斯威兹(Patrick Swayze)吧。超重是多种癌症的主要危险因素--子宫癌、食道癌、胃癌、肾癌、肝癌、脑瘤癌、胰腺癌、结肠直肠癌,以及多发性骨髓瘤。
"Increased weight in the US population is a likely suspect, but previous studies have indicated that excess weight is linked with only a relatively small increase in risk, which doesn't look large enough to fully explain recent increases in pancreatic cancer rates," Dr Jacobs explained.
But his new study changes that by looking at excess weight gain when people are younger. Dr Jacobs and his team analysed data on 963,317 people without a history of cancer, starting in 1982, to see if those who were overweight before the age of 50 would have higher odds of going on to develop pancreatic cancer.
It turns out people who were overweight earlier in life were more likely to die of pancreatic cancer.
For example, a person who had been 32lb overweight between the ages of 30 and 49 was at a 25% greater risk of dying of pancreatic cancer than someone who was a healthy weight at that age.
Based on these results, Dr Jacobs estimates that excess weight will be the driving factor in up to a third of pancreatic cancer deaths for people born between 1970 and 1974.
上一篇: 关于吸烟的一些鲜为人知的事儿
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