President Barack Obama, accepting the certainty of at least one bitter confirmation battle with Senate Republicans, rounded out his national security team Monday by picking nominees who likely see eye-to-eye with him on ending the Afghan war and using drones and special-operations forces to fight terrorism.
Mr. Obama nominated former Sen. Chuck Hagel to be his next Defense Secretary and White House Counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to lead the CIA.
奥巴马提名前参议员哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)为下届国防部长,提名白宫反恐顾问布伦南(John Brennan)为中情局(CIA)局长。
'My number-one criteria in making these decisions was simple -- who is going to do the best job in securing America,' Mr. Obama said.
Both picks are controversial, especially that of Mr. Hagel, a Nebraska Republican seen as a political maverick. Even though opponents may find it difficult to amass a sufficient numbers of Republican and Democratic votes to block Mr. Hagel's confirmation, senators promised rigorous questioning.
Messrs. Hagel and Brennan will join Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.), Mr. Obama's earlier pick as secretary of state, as likely supporters of Mr. Obama's view that conventional U.S. military power has limits.
在哈格尔与布伦南之前,奥巴马还提名马萨诸塞州民主党参议员克里(John Kerry)担任国务卿。奥巴马认为美国传统军事力量有其局限性,他们可能都支持这一看法。
Republicans have criticized Mr. Hagel for opposing U.S. sanctions on Iran, and for voting against a 2007 measure to label the Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. On Israel, critics have charged that he favors negotiations with Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, and they denounced Mr. Hagel for criticizing pro-Israeli lobbying efforts.
哈格尔反对美国制裁伊朗,并且曾投票反对2007年一项把伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队(Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)定义为恐怖组织的决议,他为此受到共和党的批评。在以色列问题上,批评者称哈格尔倾向于跟控制加沙的武装组织哈马斯(Hamas)进行谈判,同时他们也谴责哈格尔批评亲以色列的游说努力。
'During these dangerous times, there is no more important cabinet position than secretary of defense,' said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.). 'I fear [Mr. Hagel's] views, particularly toward Iran, send the worst possible signal at the worst time to the Iranians, our Israeli allies, and the world.'
南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员格拉汉姆(Lindsey Graham)说,在当前这种危险的时代,没有什么内阁职位比国防部长更为重要了。他说,我担心的是,哈格尔的观点、特别是他对伊朗的看法,会在最糟糕的时候向伊朗人、美国的盟友以色列和全世界发出可能最糟糕的信号。
A number of Democrats friendly to Mr. Hagel, like Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, pledged to aggressively support his nomination. But New York Sen. Charles Schumer, a staunchly pro-Israel Democrat, has so far held back supporting Mr. Hagel. Mr. Schumer said Monday that Mr. Hagel 'has earned the right to nothing less than a full and fair process in the Senate.'
美国罗得岛州参议员里德(Jack Reed)等很多对哈格尔态度友好的民主党人承诺,会大力支持哈格尔的提名。但纽约州参议员、坚决支持以色列的民主党人舒默(Charles Schumer)到目前为止在支持哈格尔方面持保留态度。舒默周一说,哈格尔赢得了参议院完整、公平的审议程序的权利。
The president pressed for a speedy confirmation process. 'When it comes to national security, we don't like to leave a lot of gaps between the time that one set of leaders transitions out and another transitions in. So we need to get moving quickly on this.'
Abraham Foxman, national director of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League, said he received a courtesy call from the White House on Sunday to let him know Mr. Hagel would be officially nominated. Mr. Foxman said that it is the president's prerogative to choose his cabinet nominees, but asked: 'Why does the president choose somebody who's so out of sync with him on so many issues?'
美国亲以色列组织反诽谤联盟(Anti-Defamation League)全国负责人福克斯曼(Abraham Foxman)说,周日接到来自白宫的礼节性电话,告诉他哈格尔将会被正式提名。福克斯曼说,总统有权提名自己的内阁成员,但不解的是:奥巴马为什么要选择一个在这么多问题上与自己意见如此相左的人?
Mr. Hagel was to dine with current Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Monday evening to begin the transition process, a defense official said. The Pentagon has set up a military-civilian transition team to prepare Mr. Hagel for his confirmation hearings, offering him classified briefings on current operations and budget issues.
美国一位防务官员说,哈格尔将在周一晚上与现任国防部长帕内塔(Leon Panetta)共进晚餐,开始交接过程。美国五角大楼已成立了一个文武官员联合过渡小组,帮助哈格尔准备确认其提名的听证会,向他介绍美国目前军事行动和预算问题的机密情况。
Mr. Hagel would be the first enlistee and combat veteran of the Vietnam War to serve as defense secretary. He declined to be interviewed, but he broke his lengthy pre-nomination silence in an interview with Nebraska's Lincoln Journal Star in which he said critics had 'completely distorted' what he has said.
如不出意外,哈格尔将成为美国首位参加过越战的国防部长。他拒绝接受采访。但在面对内布拉斯加州《林肯每日星报》(Lincoln Journal Star)的记者时,哈格尔打破了提名前的长时间沉默,说批评者完全扭曲了他的话。
On Iran, he said he opposed unilateral sanctions because they don't work and only end up isolating the U.S. But the sanctions Mr. Obama has pursued through the U.N. and international community are 'working,' the newspaper quoted him as saying. 'When we just decree something, that doesn't work.'
He also dismissed criticism about his refusal to sign letters deemed to be pro-Israeli in the past, including a 2006 letter from lawmakers demanding that the European Union label the Lebanese-based Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Mr. Hagel said that signing the letter would not have advanced Mideast peace. 'What's in Israel's interest is to help Israel and the Palestinians find some peaceful way to live together,' he said in the newspaper interview.
Mr. Hagel also expressed frustration over being unable to respond to the criticism, saying he had been 'hanging out there in no man's land unable to respond to charges, falsehoods and distortions.'
White House officials said they believe Sen. Reed and Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich) will be powerful defenders. A senior administration official expressed sympathy over the former senator's frustration at not being able to defend himself, but said he hadn't been bloodied.
白宫官员说,他们相信里德和密歇根州民主党参议员莱文(Carl Levin)将会成为哈格尔的有力辩护者。一位政府高级官员对哈格尔因为无法自辩而感到不满表示同情,但这位官员说,哈格尔并没有被“血洗。
Mr. Hagel has a history of confrontations within his own party. He angered Republicans over his 2006 proposal to wind down the Iraq war and for opposing the 2007 troop surge. For many Republicans, the final break came in 2008, when Mr. Hagel endorsed Mr. Obama for president over Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.).
哈格尔在自己政党内部也曾时常与人发生冲突。他在2006年提出缩减伊拉克战争规模的方案,后来又反对2007年的增兵计划,让共和党人大为光火。对很多共和党人来说,最终的决裂是在2008年。那一年哈格尔支持奥巴马而不是亚利桑那州共和党参议员麦凯恩(John McCain)当总统。
Mr. Obama tapped Mr. Hagel as someone likely to share his views on the Afghanistan troop drawdown, according to people close to the president.
Nearly as important to the White House are changes and budget reductions planned at the Pentagon.
People close to Mr. Obama said the president believes Mr. Hagel's military background and Republican credentials give him the stature to take on those tasks.
But conservatives want to make clear that while Mr. Obama may consider Mr. Hagel's appointment a bipartisan gesture, they don't. Ohio Sen. Rob Portman said he was 'surprised and disappointed' at the choice, 'given the significant concerns that both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate have expressed.'
但保守派希望明确表达这样一个态度:虽然奥巴马或许是把提名哈格尔当作一个两党合作的姿态,但他们却不是这么看。俄亥俄州参议员波特曼(Rob Portman)说,鉴于参议院民主党人和共和党人都已表达的重要顾虑,他对奥巴马的这一选择感到“吃惊和失望。
Republicans were also critical of the nomination of Mr. Brennan. That suggests his confirmation hearings to succeed David Petraeus, who resigned last year after admitting to an affair, may also have some sharp moments.
共和党人对布伦南的提名也持批评态度。这意味着他接替彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)的确认听证会也有可能出现一些尖锐时刻。彼得雷乌斯去年因为婚外情辞职。
'I have serious questions about both appointments,' said Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Republican on the Senate intelligence committee, which will vote on Mr. Brennan's confirmation. 'The process is designed to allow for very probing questions, and that is what I look forward to.'
参议院情报委员会主席、来自佐治亚州的钱布利斯(Saxby Chambliss)将在布伦南的确认程序中投票。他说,我对两个人的提名都抱有严肃的质疑。他说,设计确认程序的目的就是让人提出非常尖锐的问题,我期待的就是这个。
A Republican congressional aide said Republican lawmakers believe Mr. Brennan has helped block congressional requests for details of terrorist plots.
They also charge he has been inconsistent in his position on enhanced interrogations used during the administration of former President George W. Bush.
他们还指控他对于小布什(George W. Bush)执政期间所用强化审讯手段的立场前后不一。
Mr. Brennan has said he didn't support the program, but some Republicans believe he did at the time.
In the Democratic-controlled Senate, however, Mr. Brennan is unlikely to encounter a permanent roadblock.
The Democratic chairman of the Senate intelligence panel, Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) praised Mr. Brennan. 'I believe he will be a strong and positive director,' she said.
参议院情报委员会的民主党籍主席范斯坦(Dianne Feinstein,加利福尼亚州)对布伦南持赞扬态度。她说,我相信他会是一位强大的、积极的局长。
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